HWK New Update AE Post ở đây !!!
Release Date: 23/03/2010
The Official release is ready in our download area Welcome to official UFS & HWK Website!.
If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.
Please make sure you un-install all old versions, first HWK Suite, then HWK Support Suite, you can then install the new software, first HWK Support Suite and then HWK Suite.
You MUST update your HWK using client, old client versions will no longer work.
You MUST be running HWK software to access support.
UFS_DCTxBB5 v2.0.10.0-----------------------
1. New BB5 products:
2. New DCT4+ products: RM-590,RM-591 (2220s-2,2220s-2b)
3. More DCT4+ added for unlock (ASIC 3168) see corresponding list.
4. McuSw tag fixed in vpl parser.
5. Fixed time-out bug for some RAPU models.
6. [Det.Log] CheckBox now active, can auto create LOG file.
7. [Info] Shows Camera DCC settings and Status (for both Cameras)
8. [PM Edit] Revised: Read/Write DCC, Simlock Data, Parallel Model.
9. Increased PM read default margins, to have DCC in read PM for DCT4+
10.[Check Ask/Rpl] to Check Ask/Rpl files contents (Asic 2,5,6,7)
11.Fixed [Format] bug for new BB5 Symbian products.
12.ENO File flashing support (E63,E66,..,N97,..)
13.[Locks] for BB5 remade, now calculate codes for SLPA and SL20
14.[Check] Shows PASUBTOC SL related contents.
Do not use external VPP adapter with RX2 enabled cables, since this will put VPP direct to RX2 and its possible to KILL the phone.
1. MTK GB160,GB165,GB170,GB175,GB190,GB195,KG198 added.
2. Infineon GB101,GB109,GB110,GB125,GB130,KE858,KP108 added.
3. Infineon New Flash Chip SV7E3204UTA support.
4. ADI KG129,KG248,KG298 added.
5. " Cannot open file " Bug Fixed.
C158,C158B,C188L,C240L,C258,C260B,C260L,C260M,C300 B,E576,E758,
X138,X180,X468P,X478,X568 added (DUNL,IM,FL)
USB flashing introduced for HPE models (U600,.. Approx. 2x faster)
B3210,B3310,B3313,C3010S,C3050C,C3053,C3060,C3110H ,M620N,
S3030C,S3500C,S3500H,S3500i,S3501C,S5150,S5150C added (CUNL,IM,FL)
MSL3 bypass introduced (B3210,B3310,B3313,C3060,C3060R,...)
USB UI functions introduced, allows to unlock USB only phones.
USB flashing introduced (Approx. 5x faster)
(Cannot use USB flashing of dead phones which have UL erased or damaged.
RJ45 flashing can be used to recover from erased UL situation)
A177,A226,A227,A237,A257,B3410,B5702,B5712C,B5722, B5722C,C3212,
C3510,C3518,C6112,C6112C,D980F,E200E,E208B,E250L,E 848i,F118,
F278,J150B,M2710,M2710C,M2710L,M3510C,S3100,S3110, S3110C,
S3600C,S3600H,S5200C,T219,T329,T729 added(UNL,IM,FL)
Added ENG flashing for DUOS FOTA models (D988,B5712C,..)
Auth. Boot and Firmware Sign. for Secure models (B5722,C3510,C6112,S3100)
B5702,D988,F265L,S5050 (SECT) bug fixed.
CSC Area format added.
A137,CC01i,E1070C,E1100C,E1101C,E1107,E1113C,E1120 C,E1210,
E1310C,E1310E,E1360,E1360C,E1360S,E2100C,E2210C,E2 210H added (DUNL,IM,FL)
E1080,E1080C,E1080T,E1085,E1085L,E1085T,E1088C,E11 00H,E1150,
E1150C,E1160,E2120,E2120B,E2120C,E2130 added (CUNL,FL)
C5110,C5130,C5130S,C5130U,J800R added (CUNL,FL,SECT,BT)
P270 (CUNL,SECT) bug fixed.
E2P Write is supported only for C5130,C5130S and C5130U.
A551,A561,A637,A746,A747,A766,A767,A811,A821,A827, A836,A837,
A867,C5220,C5510H,C5510U,G508,G508E,M7600B,M7600H, S5350,
S5600B,S5600L,S5608U,S5510,S7120U,S7350C,S7350E,S7 350F,
S7350H,S7350i,S7520U,S8300H,T469,T659,T749,T919,T9 29,U808 added.
Fixed flashing of non page size aligned files (rc1,rc2,ffs)
Added flashing support for QSC62xx models.
UNLOCK and UNFREEZE added for these models:
A551,A637,A767,A827,A837,C5220,F400,S5510,S7350,S7 350C,
QC Legacy BroadCom models introduced:
i6220,S3650,S3650C,S3650M,S3650W,S3653,S3653W,S523 0,S5230G,
S5230H,S5230M,S5230W,S5233A,S5233S,S5233T,S5233W,S 5560,S5560C,
S7070 (CUNL,FL) To read codes use:
[Mobile Info] button using USB Cable (Phone Switched-ON)
and after [QCDI Info] button, using RJ45 Cable (Phone-OFF)
QC Legacy BroadCom models Full Flashing (with BOOT Change)
[BOOT Repair] for QC Legacy BroadCom models added.
Boot Repair and Codes Read is possible only for phones with
NM_20 pin USB/RJ45 connector !
Log to file added.
CLONE error message fixed.
Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!
About us - GSM Solutions
Official SarasSoft Rapidshare Mirrors:-
RapidShare AG, Cham, Switzerland
Bổ sung thêm bản update 2.302!
Anh em đã up thành công HWK nhưng kết nối tool với Box báo lỗi yêu cầu update và cài đặt lại, lấy bản UFS_Panel_2.3.02 này về copy vào đường dẫn C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\ và update lại là ok.
UFSx+HWK_UFST Release 28/10/2013
Release 28/10/2013
If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.
You need to uninstall old HWK Setup Suite and HWK Support Suite and use the new UFSx Support Suite.
1. BB5 RAPU Based Products USB Flashing / UI support added:
RM-884 (302)
2. DCT4 INFINEON Based Products Flashing / UI support added:
(105,210,.. 210,107,106)
3. Added HiBauds (up to 3Mbaud) on UFST Box, for Infineon
XG101 and XG110 Platforms.
4. DCT4 MTK Based Products UI support added:
RM-944,RM-945 (108)
5. Windows8 64bit support.
UFS_ATRz v2.3.0.2
1. Increased Baud Rate for J220,J230
2. Windows8 64bit support.
UFS_KZF v2.3.0.2
1. Added Windows8 64 bit Support.
UFS_RTP v2.3.0.2
1. Added Windows8 64 bit Support.
SeDBx v2.3.0.2
1. Added Windows8 64 bit Support.
LG v
1. Infineon: Added HiBauds (up to 3Mbaud) on UFST Box
for EGoldVoice V2, EgoldVoice V3, XMM2150 platforms.
2. Common: Windows8 64bit support.
E1260B,E1260L added (PUNL,PIM,FL)
E1265,E2262 added (UNL,SECT,IM,FL)
C3322i,C3590,C3592 added (CUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL,UFL)
HiBauds(3 Mbaud) added for XMM1100, XMM2150, XMM2230, XMM2250
Platforms, on UFST Box Only.
More Products added, UFST only, see separate Document.
Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!
Bản cập nhật mới 2.3.03 này sau khi update và cài đặt sẽ đầy đủ tool như trước đây của 2.20, bao gồm: Acer, ATRz, DCTxBB5, KZF, LG_GSM, RTP, SAMs, SeDbx. Không biết có như cũ không, nhưng vậy cũng đỡ, một số dòng máy cổ không có nó là toi ...
Trong lúc update Box như thường lệ, nó báo lỗi gì cứ mặc nó, tự nó sẽ fix lại ok hết, mặc dù Box và tool vẫn dùng bình thường nhưng nó vẫn báo lỗi -6 hoặc lỗi 100 và HID box bad ... Ráng chờ cho tới lúc server fix lỗi cho box thành công là ok và tiếp tục check server để cài thêm những gì cần update.
SERVER STATUS - USE Panel V - Upgrade/Installation/Support Server Problems
@ UFSx+HWK User
Post all your Upgrade/Installation/Support Server Problem Here.!!
HWK Upgrade Server Status:- Online
HWK Support Server Status:- Online
UFSx_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.03.00.04.exe - UFSx_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.03.00.04.exe
DHLT Files - Samsung Fast Code Calc Tables
_DHT.part01.exe - _DHLT.part01.exe - _DHLT.part01.exe
_DHT.part02.rar - _DHLT.part02.rar - _DHLT.part02.rar
_DHT.part03.rar - _DHLT.part03.rar - _DHLT.part03.rar
_DHT.part04.rar - _DHLT.part04.rar - _DHLT.part04.rar
_DHT.part05.rar - _DHLT.part05.rar - _DHLT.part05.rar
_DHT.part06.rar - _DHLT.part06.rar - _DHLT.part06.rar
_DHT.part07.rar - _DHLT.part07.rar - _DHLT.part07.rar
1. Uninstall ALL previous versions, you MUST uninstall HWK Suite BEFORE trying to uninstall HWK Support Suite Setup.
2. Install UFSx Support Suite Setup
3. Connect your UFSx+HWK before running the UFSx Control Panel
4. Run UFSx Control Panel
5. Switch to the "Hardware" Tab
6. If you only have one UFSx connected it will be selected, if more than one, select the check box next to the required UFSx. You can click "Scan Boxes" to refresh the list if you have connected further boxes since opening the Control Panel
7. Click "Check Box"
8. Click "Update Box"
9. Click "Check Box" - Make sure "Box Status" = "True" or "Bad Software" and "Server Status" = "Support Ok", before proceeding
10. Switch to the "Software" Tab
11. Amend "Application Install Path" and/or "Nokia Install Path", if required.
12. Click "Check Server"
13. Click "Install"
14. If you have more than 1 UFSx+HWK run steps 5-13 for each UFSx+HWK (NOTE: You must install something at step 13)
How to install same UFSx+HWK to 2nd PC.
Same as above and you must complete ALL steps.
How to add further UFSx+HWK after initial install.
Steps 4-13 as above
DHLT Files
Should be extracted and installed too:-
C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_SAMs\_DHT for 32bit PCs
C:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_SAMs\_DHT for 64bit PCs
UFSx+HWK Release 10/03/2014
Release 10//03/2014
If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.
You need to uninstall old HWK Setup Suite and HWK Support Suite and use the new UFSx Support Suite.
E1500 added (PUNL,PIM,FL)
S3330,S5270Y added (UNL,SECT,IM,FL)
More Products and Features added.
UFST only, see separate Document.
Fixed bugs (Long time of DHLT & Keys Calc, USB HDD issue, ...)
Customers who are experiencing the panel hanging on "check box" or "update box", should try to use the older driver and see if the problem is gone.
How to install older driver.
1. Make sure your UFSx device is not connected to your PC.
2. Right click "My Computer" and "select Manage"
3. Click "Universal Serial Bus controllers"
4. Right click "UFSx Device, (c) SarasSoft" and select "Uninstall"
5. Right click your computer name at the top of the list and select "Scan for hardware changes"
6. When the Hardware Wizard opens, Select "No, not this time" and then Click "Next"
7. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and then Click "Next"
8. Make sure "Search for the driver in these locations" is selected, "Search removable media ..." is deselected and "Include this location in the search:" is selected
9. Click "Browse" and either:-
for x86 Windows - C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
for x64 Windows - C:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
10.Click "Next", click "Continue anyway" to any messages and then "Finish"
You have now installed the old driver, when you run UFS_Panel, you should see these driver versions:-
Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.1.19, Ufs2xx.sys 2.6.0
if you see
Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
then you are still using the latest drivers and you should try the above process again.
Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!