BB5 Easy Service Tool (BEST) Nokia Dongle new update
HOT NEWS !!! BEST v1.12.2 Released !!!
S60 - VCF/CSV extraction
STOP for Flashing
STOP for UserGallery/SMS
Old APE flasj fixed (n70,N72...)
CNT write on some models fixed
and some other changes
Infinity Nokia BEST update Standalone DCT4+ ASK to RPL calculation all ASIC & Unlock
BEST v1.16 Standalone Unlock/Relock/SimLock Repair for DCT4+ ASIC11
- DCT4 support improved
* Added Standalone DCT4+ Unlock/Relock
* Added Standalone ASK to RPL Calculation for all ASIC
- RPL writing rebuilded
* Added PA_SL30 Simlock Writing (Under TEST)
* Support Factory RPL and BEST RPL backup
* some bug fixes and improvements
- Other
* Unlock counter reset added
* UFS flashing stability improved
- Ini updated and corrected for some models
- Some cosmetic changes
Infinity BEST v1.19 Fixed Rap4 and more
BEST v1.19
- USB flashing improved
- Activated MassMemory flashing (C7/N8 and same)
- UFS support improved
- RPL Write/Read improved
Added Read/Write APE certificates
- Improved APE flashing
- Some bugfixes
- JAF support improved
- RPL Write/Read improved
Added Read/Write APE certificates
- Improved APE flashing (OLD protocol)
- Improved CMT flashing (NEW protocol)
- Added "Flash Erase"
- LowFormat for S40 Activated
- Some bugfixes
- UserData operation improved
- LowFormat improved
(Recover phonebook/mmc password from dead phone)
Added 6500s (RM-240)
Added 5310xm (RM-303)
- S40 PhoneBook engine rewriten
Support for all s40 generations improved
- Unlock/Repair operations improved
- Fixed Rap4 Unlock
- Fixed Rap4 SDD repair / SX4
- Now all Rap4 phones can be uploaded to server
- Updated CCC/HWC, PM collection
- Some bugfixes and cosmetic changes
Public Discussion thread
BEST v1.19 Public Discussion Thread
Infinity Best tool : First in the world Blackberry MEP 40594-001 & 41468-001 added
20th May 2011 : First in the world MEP 40594-001 & 41468-001 added
Infinity Best tool Customers can use their Free Web based calculator to get codes instantly
If You have Infinity Box and want to activate BEST TOOL , its now possible with your existing SL3 credits
Discussion HERE
INFINITY BEST 1.24.1 . Some major fixes
Infinity best 1.24.1
- Some major fixes on server side and sw-side for SL3 unlocking
First make sure u have Installed BEST 1.24
how to Run
Download and extract in BEST folder
link to Download
FileFlyer - Upload and send files, fast!
Infinity Team
Infinity Best 1.24.2 ready to Download
BEST v1.24.2
- Infineon XG213 flashing improved
- Infineon XG110 log reading was broken, fixed
- Added Variant cert recover (N73 security repair) on Restore CCC/HWC
- RdKey option was broken on some models, fixed
- Automatic selection of the highest firmware version available
- File filters on manual flash file selecting added
- STOP function on flashing should work proper on FBUS ( JAF/UFS )
- Selftest reference updated
- Ini updated, adden new models
- some minor changes
Make Sure u have installed 1.24 and 1.24.1 already installed
Download 1.24.2 and extract in C:\InfinityBox\BEST
Download Link
Infinity Team
Infinity Best 1.30 Released ★★★ Look Inside
BEST v1.30
- USB flashing improved
- Loaders updated to 11.34 (20113400)
- BB5 RAPU flashing improved
- User Data operations improved
- Improved Phonebook Read support for DCT4 phones
- Added Infineon new XG110 (100 , 101)
- Added some DCT4+ Lite Phones
* Extract to standart vcf and csv
* Cross-write via s4pb format to other S40 phones
- LBF bat files creation fixed (wrong comand line)
- Ini updated. Added and corrected some models
- Updated stuff files (pm's , rpl's, pp collection)
- Some minor bugfixes
Its strongly recommended use always Infinity best Latest version
Download Link