Smart-Clip v5.00, S-Card v3.00 and SmartMoto v4.00
Dear users,
We know that all of you have waited enough for another update, and some of you even thought we've given up…
But we are here for you and we have good news!
So, please let us introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v5.00, S-Card v3.00 and SmartMoto v4.00.
With this release we are glad to announce the following benefits.
1. Smart-Clip exclusive, unlock solution for MotoMAGX based models:
* E8
* EM30
* EM35 (beta test)
* U9
* VE66 (beta test)
* Z6w
* ZN5
* ZN5-128MB
No TestPoints or server credits required. Just a few easy steps. More details at Unlock Manual. Please pay attention to the manual, as unlock procedure of MotoMAGX models differs from usual and requires SCout multiflasher software.
2. The models W490 and W6 with boot version 0C.A1 are added to the SmartMoto list.
3. Phone model W231 is proved to be supported and added to the list.
4. Boot version 9.02 for the models V23* is supported by Prepare function.
Don’t forget to update all your products and use Smart-Clip Update Zone to update S-Card.
Make sure to update Smart-Clip BEFORE updating the S-Card.
We recommend using only the latest versions of Smart-Clip, S-Card, Smart Adaptor and SmartMoto.
If you wish to receive news on updates immediately, please subscribe to our new SMS notification system.
Smart-Clip ON!