Downgrade iOS 6 to iOS 5.1.1 iPhone 4 Using Redsn0w 0.9.14b2 [Video]
Upgraded to the iOS 6 final version and don't like the experience you are getting? No problem, you can downgrade iOS 6 to iOS 5.1.1 and this guide will tell you how it's done.
All you require is the saved SHSH blobs for iOS 5.1.1 and the latest version of RedSn0w. The SHSH stitching feature to combine the appropriate IPSW file for 5.1.1 will be used. Follow the tutorial.!
Downgrade iOS 6 to iOS 5.1.1 with Redsn0w
Click IPSW and select the iOS 5.1.1 IPSW for your device.
IOS 6 to IOS 5.1.1 Downgrade
- If you have your blobs on Cydia, click Cydia in the blobs section, otherwise click on local and select the SHSH blobs for iOS 5.1.1 for the device.
- RedSn0w will now stitch them to create a firmware file for iOS 5.1.1. This firmware file can then be used to downgrade even if Apple is has stopped singing iOS 5.1.1.
Go back two pages in RedSn0w and click on Pwned DFU; this will place your device in Pwned DFU so that iTunes can restore using the stitched firmware. Skipping this will give you the 1600 error in iTunes.
- Open iTunes. Your device should be detected in recovery mode. Hold option and click restore. After that select your stitched firmware file. The filename should have a prefix of 13 numbers which is basically your device's ECID.
- Let iTunes completely restore your device, and if you get an 'error – 1', don't worry that's normal.
- Now open RedSn0w go to extras and click on recovery fix.
- Place your device into DFU mode again and the recovery fix should run.
- Once the recovery fix is done the device will be restored to iOS 5.1.1.