Samsung Tool 15.2 Update. First in the world.
Samsung Tool 15.2 First in the world.
We hope z3x users will be happy if we will give update daily or at least few times in week.
Lets start from today
- full support GT-E1200L (direct code reading/unlock/imei repair/flashing) - first in the world
- full support GT-E1202L (direct code reading/unlock/m&s imei repair/flashing) - first in the world
- full support GT-E1272 (direct code reading/unlock/m&s imei repair/flashing) - first in the world
- full support GT-P6200L (flash, direct unlock/imei repair)
P.S. in update discuss thread post phones pending for adding
Direct link
Samsung Tool 15.3 - Galaxy ACE 3 - first in the world.
- full support GT-S7270 (flashing, direct unlock, codereading, repair imei ) - first in the world
- full support GT-S7270L (flashing, direct unlock, codereading, repair imei ) - first in the world
- full support GT-S7272 (flashing, direct unlock, codereading, m/s repair imei ) - first in the world
- full support GT-S7273T (flashing, direct unlock, codereading, m/s repair imei ) - first in the world
- full support GT-Е1270 SPD (flashing, direct unlock, reading codes, imei repair ) - first in the world
- full support GT-S6500L (flashing, direct unlock, reading codes, imei repair )
P.S. something hot on the way
Post here please all wanted phones for adding.
direct link:
Samsung Tool 15.4. Mega GALAXY Update, + TRIOS first in the world
Samsung Tool 15.4. Mega GALAXY Update, + TRIOS first in the world
ZRoot update, added SGH-T999, SGH-T999V autoroot all known version at this moment.
New models Added:
- full support GT-i9200 Galaxy Mega 6.3 (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*, flashing) - first in the world
- full support GT-i9205 Galaxy Mega 6.3 LTE (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*, flashing, Repair network) - first in the world
- full support GT-i9150 Galaxy Mega 5.8 (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*,flashing, Repair network) - first in the world
- full support GT-i9152 Galaxy Mega 5.8 (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick m/s Imei repair*,flashing, Repair network) - first in the world
- full support GT-i9190 Galaxy S4 Mini (Read codes, SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*, flashing, Repair 3/4G network) - first in the world
- full support GT-i9195 Galaxy S4 Mini LTE (Read codes, SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*, flashing, Repair 3/4G network) - first in the world
- full support GT-E1263 SPD (Read Codes, Direct Unlock, Repair imei:1,2,3, flashing ) - First in the world TRIOS supported
SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair* - new unique method without loosing EFS settings and userdata
- enjoy with easy safe method, phone will not lose network or 3/4G. After unlock, repair - restart phone please before using.
Samsung Tool 15.5 Update - First in the world. Look inside
Samsung Tool 15.5 second weekly Update again - First in the world.
New models Added:
- full support GT-i9295 Galaxy S4 Active (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*, flashing)
- full support SGH-i527 Galaxy Mega 6.3 (Read codes, SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*, flashing)
- full support SGH-i527m Galaxy Mega 6.3 (Read codes, SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair*, flashing) - first in the world
- full support GT-S6812 (Direct unlock, code reading, m/s imei repair, flashing)
- full support GT-S6812i (Direct unlock, code reading, m/s imei repair, flashing)
- full support GT-S6500T (Direct unlock, code reading, imei repair, flashing)
- full support GT-S5830M (Direct unlock, code readng, imei repair, flashing)
- full support SGH-T779 (Direct unlock, code reading, imei repair, flashing)
SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair* - new unique method without loosing EFS settings and userdata
- enjoy with easy safe method, phone will not lose network or 3/4G. After unlock, repair - restart phone please before using.
direct link
Samsung Tool 15.7 - Small update but First in the world & hot phones
- support Samsung SGH-i9506 (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair* beta, flashing) - first in the world
- support Samsung SGH-i9507 (SAFE Direct Unlock & SAFE OneClick Imei repair* beta, flashing) - first in the world
- support Samsung GT-N5100 (Direct Unlock, OneClick Imei, Network repair, flashing) thnks to xcachorrox
- support Samsung GT-SM-T311(Direct Unlock, OneClick Imei, Network repair, flashing) thnks to alex_mkd
Download Here
Samsung TooL Update 16.0 First in the world
- support Samsung GT-S6790 (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing)- first in the world
- support Samsung GT-S6790N (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - first in the world
- support Samsung GT-S7390 (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - first in the world
- support Samsung GT-I8150B (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing)
- support Samsung GT-I8150T (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing)
- support SPH-L720 (direct unlock*, imei repair, flashing) - first in the world
- support SGH-T599 (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing)
- support SGH-T599n (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing)
L720* tested with MDC,MDL baseband. MF9 not tested. if something wrong with MF9, flash MDC, MDL firmware from support
dial #0808# and enable DM + MODEM + ADB, + enable debug in menu.
Direct link
Z3X-BOX Samsung TooL Update 16.1 First in the world
Samsung TooL Update 16.1 First in the world
Some new hot phones just added to z3x.
Be ready for something realy hot
- support SGH-I257 (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - first in the world
- support SGH-i257M (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - first in the world
- support SGH-G730a (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - first in the world
- support GT-S7275R (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - first in the world
- support GT-i8552B (direct unlock, imei repair, flashing)
- support GT-i8262B (direct unlock, flashing)
p.s. instead of many thanks, please post most wanted solution for you at this moment.
DIRECT HOTFILE LINK: SamsungTool_16.1.exe
Z3X-BOX Samsung Update 16.2 - The worst Update of 2013 Year.
Samsung TooL Update 16.2 - The worst Update of 2013 Year.
Looks like something not expected BUT Realy Hot was done totay by your favorite team.
NOW you can forget about super imei & super network repair for i9500. Real & Exclusive Solution for repair imei only with z3x.
Just one click - your imei repaired, just root phone before job.
- support GT-I9500 (Direct imei repair(NOT SUPER IMEI), Network repair, Read/Write EFS ) - exclusive and First in the world.
Second piece of cake are: again exclusive and only with z3x - direct unlock, region unlock - for new security phones such as:
- support GT-I9500 New/OLD security (Direct unlock, region unlock, repair imei, wifi, BT, SN ) - exclusive and First in the world.
- support GT-I9300 New/OLD security (Direct unlock, region unlock, repair imei, wifi, SN ) - exclusive and First in the world.
- support GT-N7100 New/OLD security (Direct unlock, region unlock, repair imei, wifi, SN ) - exclusive and First in the world.
- support SM-N900 New security (Direct unlock, region unlock ) - exclusive and First in the world.
- support GT-S6810E (Direct unlock, code reading, flashing, imei repair )
- support GT-S5830G (Direct unlock, code reading, flashing, imei repair )
Phones should be rooted before any job for using this update.
Please select correct models, dont play with qualcomm models such as i9505,n9005 etc by choising i9500, N900 to avoid problem with phones.
P.S. We continue cooking something again ....
P.S.2 Copy-pasters our job done - you can start your job.
Discuss here
Samsung TooL Update 16.3 - Bulk of Anycall Added. First in the world
Samsung TooL Update 16.3 - Bulk of Anycall Added
Finally we have some anycall in hands, and now you have this update:
Anycall phones repair working over simple USB cable, just root phone and enable debug mode.
Now you can forget about playing with UART cable so update - FIRST IN THE WORLD AND EXCLUSIVE for z3x box customers.
More and more hot update on the way.
- support SHV-E210S (Safe direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - FIRST IN THE WORLD
- support SHV-E210L (Sage direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - FIRST IN THE WORLD
- support SHV-E250S (Safe direct codereading, unlock, imei repair, flashing) - FIRST IN THE WORLD
- support SHV-E250L (Safe direct codereading, unlock, imei repair, flashing) - FIRST IN THE WORLD
- support SHW-M250K (Safe direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - FIRST IN THE WORLD
- support SHW-M250S (Safe direct unlock, imei repair, flashing) - FIRST IN THE WORLD
- support SGH-M919N (Direct codereading, unlock, imei repair, flashing)
- support SGH-M919V (Direct codereading, unlock, imei repair, flashing)
- support GT-i9100 (New imei repair algo)
- support GT-i9100P (New imei repair algo)
- support GT-i9100T (New imei repair algo)
Anycall repair working over simple USB cable, just root phone and enable debug mode.
- I9300 imei repair error
- N7100 imei repair error
P.S. Now we know who copy-paster
Hotfile link here
Samsung Tool 16.4 Daily Update, T999N, S5310E, S5660M
Z3X Samsung tool 16.4 Daily Update. Warm up.
- support SGH-T999N (Direct codereading/unlock/imei repair, flashing)
- support GT-S5310E (Direct codereading/unlock/imei repair, flashing)
- support GT-S5310G (Direct codereading/unlock/imei repair, flashing)
- support GT-S5312B (Direct codereading/unlock/imei repair, flashing)
- support GT-S5660M (Direct codereading/unlock/imei repair, flashing)
P.S. Second stage of boom on the WAY