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    Thành viên chính thức DakLakGSM's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2007
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    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 33 Times in 20 Posts

    Mặc định HWK_Setup_Suite_v02.08.000 Released

    HWK Release 14/09/2008 - Discussion

    Release Date: 14/09/2008

    The Official release is ready in our download area http://sarunasoftware.com.

    Please follow the instructions careful on the above page.

    The Update Client is launched after HWK Support Suite install, if you cancel without making the update, you can run the Update Client again, by selecting the shortcut on the Start Menu:-
    Programs\SarasSoft\UFS\Utilities\Update Client

    WARNING !!!
    If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

    UFS_DCTxBB5 v2.0.8.0

    1. New BB5 products:
    2. New DCT4 products:
    3. New DCT4+ UNL versions support:
    1200 (RH-99 v5.51,v5.53), 1200b (RH-100 v5.32)
    1208 (RH-105 v5.51,v5.53), 1208b (RH-106 v4.00,v4.11,v5.23,v5.32)
    1650 (RM-305 v5.32,v5.51,v5.53)
    1680c-2,1680c-2b (RM-394,RM-395 v5.61,v5.63)
    2610,2610b (RH-86,RH-87 v6.73,v7.10)
    2630 (RM-298 v5.61)
    2760 (RM-258 v4.20,v5.61), 2760b (RM-259 v4.20,v5.61)
    2760h (RM-391 v5.45)
    4. Fixed minor bugs.
    5. New Flash Update Pack

    Do not use external VPP adapter with RX2 enabled cables, since this will put VPP direct to RX2 and its possible to KILL the phone.

    LG_GSM V

    v (HWK Required)
    1. Added "FSct0" (Force Sector 0 Overwrite) Checkbox in
    Infineon platform.
    Use it for Frozen or blinking phones (KE800,..)
    2. KP130, KP210, KP215, KP260, KP265 support added.

    SAMs V

    S730i (DUNL,IM,FL)added.
    B200,B300 DUNL and IM fixed.
    Reserved Regions values revised and fixed.
    MSL Repair enhanced, and added for following products:
    C17x,C26x,C520,E84x,E90x,E95x,F21x,M300,M60x,P520, U10x,U30x,X82x
    "Erase NOR" activated.
    Enhanced 4CC protocol handler (fixed error on PC busy)
    E21x,J60x fixed (INF,DUNL,IM)
    M310 added (FL,CUNL)
    Enhanced 4CC protocol handler (fixed error on PC busy)
    A117,C288,M130L added (DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
    E746 bug fixed.
    D780,D788(Duos2),D828E,E251,E251C,E258D,F110,G808E ,J210,L310,
    P180,P200,P260,P850,P858,T309,T509,U908E,X700N (DUNL,FL,SECT)
    F488E,J150 (FL,CUNL) Use 'Unlock E2P' to see Codes.
    E35x,E37x,T809 DUNL, SECT and IM fixed.
    E480,E488 bug in DUNL,SECT fixed.
    D880-Duos flashing bug in fixed.
    X700 SECT fixed.
    B130 introduced(FL,CUNL) Use 'Unlock E2P' to see Codes.
    A411,A412,A701,A706,A707,A711,A717,A727,A736,A737, A801,A817,
    F330,F338,F400,F408,F480,F488,F490,F510,F550,F700, G400,G800,
    G800B,G800L,G808,J200,J200L,J208,J630,J638,L170,L7 60,L760G,
    L768,L810,L811,P910,P920,P940,P950,P960,T639,T819, U700,U700B,
    U708,U800,U800F,U900,U900U,U908,V705,V706,V707,V70 8,Z150,Z170,
    Z230,Z238,Z240,Z240E,Z248,Z310,Z360,Z368,Z400,Z540 ,Z548,Z560,
    Z570,Z720,Z728,Z740,ZV40,ZV50,ZV60 introduced (FL,INF,REUL)
    Product Langpacks description added (Info and MCU-Open)
    Note, real menu languages can differ from listed here,
    for different models, firmware versions. Languages in
    brackets is not mandatory for current Region.

    SeDBx v2.0.8.0

    1. Added Support for: 36Brown, 49Brown
    1. Added Support for: 50Brown, 51Brown, 51Red, 53Red.
    2. Added CID Upgrade.
    1. Added Support for: 49Brown.
    2. Loaders Updated.
    1. Added Support for: 49Brown, 52Brown.
    2. Loaders Updated.

    USB Drivers are installed to X:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_DBX\USBFlashDriver

    SeDBx Quick Guide has been updated.

    Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!



    1. Uninstall HWK_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.07
    Uninstall HWK_Suite_Setup_v02.07

    2. Install HWK_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.08.000.exe, Update Box
    Instal HWK_Setup_Suite_v02.08.000.exe

    Last edited by DakLakGSM; 18-09-2008 at 18:35.

  2. ( DakLakGSM ) đã được 2 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    nguyennam (16-12-2009), trananhmobi (15-09-2009)

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