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  1. #21
    Administrators ThanhHaMobile™'s Avatar
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    Chu y UFSx+HWK Release 10/03/2014

    Release 10//03/2014

    WARNING !!!
    If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

    You need to uninstall old HWK Setup Suite and HWK Support Suite and use the new UFSx Support Suite.

    SAMs V

    E1500 added (PUNL,PIM,FL)
    S3330,S5270Y added (UNL,SECT,IM,FL)
    More Products and Features added.
    UFST only, see separate Document.
    Fixed bugs (Long time of DHLT & Keys Calc, USB HDD issue, ...)

    Customers who are experiencing the panel hanging on "check box" or "update box", should try to use the older driver and see if the problem is gone.
    How to install older driver.
    1. Make sure your UFSx device is not connected to your PC.
    2. Right click "My Computer" and "select Manage"
    3. Click "Universal Serial Bus controllers"
    4. Right click "UFSx Device, (c) SarasSoft" and select "Uninstall"
    5. Right click your computer name at the top of the list and select "Scan for hardware changes"
    6. When the Hardware Wizard opens, Select "No, not this time" and then Click "Next"
    7. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and then Click "Next"
    8. Make sure "Search for the driver in these locations" is selected, "Search removable media ..." is deselected and "Include this location in the search:" is selected
    9. Click "Browse" and either:-
    for x86 Windows - C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
    for x64 Windows - C:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
    10.Click "Next", click "Continue anyway" to any messages and then "Finish"
    You have now installed the old driver, when you run UFS_Panel, you should see these driver versions:-
    Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.1.19, Ufs2xx.sys 2.6.0
    if you see
    Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
    then you are still using the latest drivers and you should try the above process again.

    Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!

    Nếu cần liên hệ, xin vui lòng ... liên hệ theo thông tin ở dưới đây!
    • Repair Boot - Unlock giải mã - mở mạng - mở mã pass người dùng - sửa lỗi phần mềm, nạp tiếng Việt, chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ cho các dòng máy Mobile • CUNG CẤP & TƯ VẤN SỬ DỤNG THIẾT BỊ CHẠY PHẦN MỀM MOBILE CHUYÊN DỤNG • CUNG CẤP SẢN PHẨM DUNG DỊCH PHÁ KEO IC, BÃO HÒA TẢN NHIỆT IC, KEO DẪN ĐIỆN, THIẾC BỘT, CHÌ XẢ MỐI HÀN, DAO PHÁ KEO • KEO DÁN MÀN HÌNH CẢM ỨNG iPHONE, iPAD, LAPTOP, GIA CỐ CPU CÁC LOẠI ...
    ThanhHaMobile™ Service Center
    Số: 411 Tô Hiệu (ngay ngã tư An Dương, đối diện siêu thị HONDA Hương Giang) - Hải Phòng.

    ĐT: Gphone 0225.609.239 - 0983.717.628 - 0912.050.858.
    • Tài khoản Anypay Viettel số: 0987 250 552
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: DongAbank - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Đức Thanh
      Mã số TK: 0104365048 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: Agribank (NNPTNT) - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 2112205015281 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: VietCombank - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 0031001023873 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.

  2. ( ThanhHaMobile™ ) đã được 6 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    7l0ve (04-06-2014), dumobile2008 (15-04-2014), mylove844 (08-04-2014), nokidu (06-04-2014), trieuvy1976 (08-04-2014), vipptien (04-04-2014)

  3. #22
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    UFSx Panel V & Samsung V 2.3.04 are out
    UFSx Update 5-7-2014

    New Panel 2306

    Samsung V
    SM-B312E added (CUNL,PUNL,PIM,FL,UFL)
    More Products and Features added.
    UFST only, see separate Document.
    Added File Archive Path Selection.
    UFST latest Panel 2306 & Samsung V2.3.0.4 Released 5-7-2014
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  4. #23
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    UFSx+HWK Release 17/07/2014
    Release 17/07/2014

    WARNING !!!
    If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

    You need to uninstall (old HWK Setup Suite and HWK Support Suite) or existing (UFSx Support Suite) and use the new UFSx Support Suite.

    SAMs V build32
    More Products and Features added.
    UFST only, see separate Document.

    LG_GSM V build 32
    1. Common: Added File Archive Path Selection.
    2. Fixed some common bugs.

    Customers who are experiencing the panel hanging on "check box" or "update box", should try to use the older driver and see if the problem is gone.

    How to install older driver.
    1. Make sure your UFSx device is connected to your PC.
    2. Right click "My Computer" and "select Manage"
    3. Click "Universal Serial Bus controllers"
    4. Right click "UFSx Device, (c) SarasSoft" and select "Uninstall"
    5. Right click your computer name at the top of the list and select "Scan for hardware changes"
    6. When the Hardware Wizard opens, Select "No, not this time" and then Click "Next"
    7. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and then Click "Next"
    8. Make sure "Search for the driver in these locations" is selected, "Search removable media ..." is deselected and "Include this location in the search:" is selected
    9. Click "Browse" and select either:-
    for x86 Windows - C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
    for x64 Windows - C:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_USB_Driver\OLD
    10.Click "Next", click "Continue anyway" to any messages and then "Finish"
    You have now installed the old driver, when you run UFS_Panel, you should see these driver versions:-
    Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.1.19, Ufs2xx.sys 2.6.0
    if you see
    Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
    then you are still using the latest drivers and you should try the above process again.

    Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!

    Official SarasSoft Mirrors:-
    ★★ UFSx+HWK Install Files Mirrors & Install Instructions ★★

  5. #24
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    UFST Panel V
    UFST Panel V released http://support.sarunasoftware.com/he...PANEL_2307.exe
    UFST Panel mới có thể down tại support Hoàng Thông : http://download.saigonmobile.vn/?dir=Box+Update%2FHWK

    Samsung V build 65
    ANDROID for UFST and UFS Turbo Only
    New Products added (Total, more than 1140 models)
    Full Support added for:
    G360AZ, G531F, G531H, G531M, G531Y, T239, T239M, T561M, T561Y, T562
    Partial Support for:
    404SC, G920R6, G920R7, G925R6, G925R7, J5008, J500F, J7008
    For Android Model Details see Samsung_Android_Info document.
    Samsung Android supported models & feature - GSM-Forum
    or inside
    X:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\Documents
    X:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\Documents

  6. ( namnhatrang ) đã được 2 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    chanhtl (09-07-2015), tranvantinh (15-07-2015)

  7. #25
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2007
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    Mặc định

    Android UFST V1.0.4.4 Pre-Release For ALL Users

    Here is UFST V1.0.4.4 Pre-Release for all users.Other models support will be added one by one.Please post screen shot of phone repaired with Android UFST in this thread.Your opinion & feedback is important to us.
    Link for Software-
    Android UFST User Manual-
    How To Install-
    Copy Android UFST V1.0.4.4 inside
    C:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_SAMs
    C:\Program Files (x86)\SarasSoft\UFS\UFS_SAMs

    Android UFST Update History-
    for UFST and UFS Turbo Only.
    More Common Functions Added in [ADB] ToolsTab:
    Deal with Partitions and Files (Write, Wipe, Reset FRP) need Root Rights.
    Non Root [Reset FRP] for LG and Samsung Models.
    More Functions Enabled in [OEM] ToolsTab:
    [Read E2P], [Write E2P] for Samsung Models.
    More LG Models Added:
    AS985, AS990, AS991, AS995, F600K, F600L, F600S, H650, H650AR, H650E, H650K,
    H900, H901BK, H960A, LS740, LS885, LS980, LS990, LS991, LS995, LS996, MS323,
    MS345, MS395, MS631, US990, US991, US995, V935, V935T, VS880, VS990
    More Motorola Models Added:
    XT1002, XT1003, XT1008 (Moto G 1st. Falcon)
    XT1019, XT1021, XT1022, XT1023, XT1025 (Moto E 1st. Condor)
    XT1030 (Droid Mini Obakem)
    XT1049, XT1050, XT1052, XT1053, XT1055, XT1056, XT1058, XT1060 (Moto X Ghost)
    XT1080, XT1080m (Droid Ultra / Maxx Obake)
    XT1085, XT1092, XT1093, XT1094, XT1095, XT1096, XT1097, XT1098 (Moto X 2nd. Victara)
    XT1100, XT1103 (Nexus 6 Shamu)
    XT1115 (Moto X Pro Shamu)
    XT1225, XT1250, XT1254 (Moto Maxx / Droid Turbo Quark)
    XT1505, XT1506, XT1511 (Moto E 2nd. Otus)
    XT1514, XT1521, XT1523, XT1524, XT1526, XT1527, XT1528, XT1529 (Moto E 2nd. Surnia)
    XT1561, XT1562, XT1563, XT1565 (Moto X Play / Droid Maxx 2 Lux)
    XT1572, XT1575 (Moto X Style / Pure Clark)
    XT1580, XT1581, XT1585 (Moto X Force / Droid Turbo 2 Kinzie)
    More Samsung Models Added:
    G9300, G9308, G930A, G930AZ, G930F, G930F-DS, G930K, G930L, G930P, G930R4,
    G930R7, G930S, G930T, G930T1, G930V, G930W8, G930X, G9350, G935A, G935F,
    G935F-DS, G935K, G935L, G935P, G935R4, G935S, G935T, G935V, G935W8, G935X,
    J105M, J105M-DS, J111M, J120A, J320F-DS, J320FN, J320G, J320Y, J320YZ,
    T280, T285, T375L, T375S, T3777, T377V, T677NK, T677NL, T677V
    More Sony Models Added:
    C5502, C5503, M36h, SO-04E (Xperia ZR / A Dogo)
    C6502, C6503, C6506, L35h (Xperia ZL / ZQ Odin)
    D5788, SO-04F (Xperia J1 Compact / A2 Altair)
    SO-04G (Xperia A4 Ajisai)
    SOL22 (Xperia UL Gaga)
    Fastboot protocol 'Data Size Mismatch' Bug fixed.
    Improved LG [Unlock] on some models (MSM8909 SoC, H410)

    Added [OEM Utils] for FastBoot Flashing solution based Devices.
    Added GPT Read using [Read Part.] (type GPT in path Requestor field)
    Can also read any interesting memory part using:
    dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=512 count=N seek=K (standard dd command options)
    or Read any file, by specifying full path e.g.: MyFiles/Myfile.bla

    More LG Models Added:
    F430L, UK410, V400, V410, V411, V490, V496, V497, V700, V700N, VK410, VK700,
    VS980, VS985, VS985W, VS986

    More Samsung Models Added:
    J105B, J105F, J105F-DS, J111F, J320M, J320M-DS

    More LG Models Added:
    H960, H961, H962, H968 (V10)
    LG LAF Models:
    Added [Read Flash] Partitions by GPT (Can Select which ones want to Read)
    Added [Write Flash] of Read Partitions using GPT Option.
    In this way can Backup / Restore Device without Root of Partitions
    which contains some Vital Data: modemst1, modemst2, fsg, misc,..
    Can Select Multiple Files but Cannot Select more than 1 DZ or TOT file.
    Writing of PrimaryGPT and BackupGPT is not Allowed.
    Do not Write BootFiles (sbl1, sbl2, sbl3, tz, rpm, hyp, sdi, aboot) Alone
    if Version Mismatch between them, will Have 'Brick' !

    Some Useful Hints:
    Always Read Hints by Moving Mouse on Control.
    To Download KDZ Files use [Get Imei] or Enter IMEI and then use [Download]
    To Repair 'Numbers' use [Byp.Security] and then [Gen.Settings] in [OEM] ToolsTab.
    If Have Rooted Phone do [Read EFS] before any Security Action or
    Backup Using [Read Flash] with GPT Option Selected if is a 'LAF' Model.
    Do [Read ENVM] in [Diags] ToolsTab.
    If have some Not Realised Phone, do Above Readouts and use [Developer] button
    in [ADB] ToolsTab and send Result Files to Us.

  8. ( namnhatrang ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    vippro9xvn (09-03-2017)

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