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    Thành viên chính thức suwaree's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Oct 2007
    Bài viết
    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 1,153 Times in 92 Posts

    Smile motorola_unluker.

    Friend as to all members just for you..

    MotoPhoenix is state of the art software that allows the user to remove Service Provider/Sim phone lock and resets Security/User Code on Motorola A/C/V/T Series phones.
    Unlocking using MotoPhoenix takes less than one minute! Best of all no disassembling or special technical knowledge is required!

    Latest Version : 1.39

    Motorola A-Series: A1000, A830 Unlock, A835 Unlock, A920 Unlock, A925 Unlock.

    Motorola C-Series: C250 Unlock, C33x Unlock, C350 Unlock, C350i Unlock, C350L Unlock, C353 Unlock, C380 Unlock, C385 Unlock, C450 Unlock, C550 Unlock, C650 Unlock, C975 Unlock, C980

    Motorola E-Series: Unlock, E380 Unlock, E398 Unlock, E550 Unlock, E1000 Unlock

    Motorola V-Series: V150 Unlock, V180 Unlock, V185 Unlock, V188 Unlock, V220 Unlock, V300 Unlock, V400 Unlock, V500 Unlock, V525 Unlock, V535 Unlock, V545 Unlock, V550 Unlock, V60 Unlock, V600 Unlock, V620 Unlock, V690 Unlock, V60i Unlock, V620 Unlock, V66 Unlock, V66i Unlock, V975 Unlock, V980 Unlock, V3-Razr Unlock (Bootloader 8.26) supported, V547 Unlock, V551 Unlock, V1050 unlock !

    Supported via test point , NOTE RECOMMENDED (FOR PROFESSIONALS ONLY): V3x unlock, L7 slvr unlock, U6 pebble unlock , E1 rokr unlock

    New models are added constantly!

    Direct Unlock: Direct SIM/SP Unlock Phone!

    Chip Backup (Free) : Creates a FULL backup of your phone for future restoration!

    Software Restore: Restore dead and software damaged phones!

    Info Read (Free) : Read Software and Flex phone! As well as user and security codes!

    Check Possibility to Unlock(Free) : Check if your phone can be unlock with MotoPhoenix BEFORE purchase!

    Minimum Requirements:

    * A Pentium processor-based PC or compatible computer
    * At least 128MB of RAM.
    * Windows 2000/2003/XP (This service will not work with Windows 95/98/ME)
    * Internet connection.
    * USB data cable


    90 dey thailand mobile 329

  2. ( suwaree ) đã được 13 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    anhtuantt (12-03-2008), anophen (02-03-2008), Hudu ars 1984 (19-06-2008), huuthien (11-02-2009), muamuoi (31-12-2007), phuc77 (28-02-2009), phuonghuy (17-05-2010), sandeep pandey (10-02-2009), Tempb (21-06-2008), tn1681974 (18-03-2008), trantuan_mobile (28-06-2008), xMikax00 (26-06-2008), zww (30-12-2007)

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