SagemDD_V7.3 released. Direct unlock and repair features for LoCosto based phones SagemDD_V7.3 released!

New important features:
- Direct unlock function for LoCosto based phones;
- Hardware Failure repair for LoCosto based phones;
- Phone Code penalty timer repair for LoCosto based phones.

Now Calypso Lite, Calypso, Calypso+, Sec.Calypso+ and LoCosto based Sagem are completely supported for unlocking and repairing.

- M63/M64 (TI LoCosto based)
My 100X; My 210X; My 212X; My 214X; My 215X; My 200C; My 202C; My 300C;
My 401C; My 401Ci; My 411X; My 411Xi; My 411V; My 411CV; My 511X;

- M62+ Sec.(TI Calypso+ Sec. based)
My X6-2; My-V76;
My 300X; My 301X; My302X;
My 400X; My 400V; My 400L; My401X; My 401V; My 401L; TCM 303 (Tchibo);
SG 346i; VS4; VS5;

- M62+ phones (TI Calypso+ based)
My404X; My400Z; My401Z; My500C; My501C; My501Ci; My501X; MyV-55; MyV-56; VS1; VS2; VS3;
MyX4; MyX-55; MyX5-2; MyX5-2t; MyX5-2v; MyX-8; MyZ5; MyZ-55; MyC3; MyC3b;
MyC3-2; MyC4-2; MyC5-2; MyC5-2t; MyC5-2v; MyC5-2m; MyC5-3; SG-322i; SG-341i;
SG-342i; SG-343i; SG-344i; SG-345i; Wonu S3; Gradiente Gf600(MyF600); Gradiente Gf690;
TIGR 1500; GM-1;

- M62 phones (TI Calypso\Calypso Lite based)
MyX1; MyX1-2; MyX-1w; MyX-1trio; MyX-1twin; My100X; My101X My200X;
My201X; My202X; My213X; MyX2; MyX2-2; MyX2-2m; MyX3; MyX3-2; MyX5;
MyX5m; MyX5d; MyX5p; MyX6; MyX7; MyV-65; MyV-75; MyC1; MyC2; MyC2-2;
MyC2-3;MyC4; MyC5w; SG-321i; MyS7; Wonu S1; Gradiente GX1; Gradiente GC 202X;
TIP-27; MyT-22; Bird S1099;

The SagemDD_V7.3 offering automatically and accurately (as usual) phone type/platform recognition,
really FAST code calculation and direct unlock implementation.

- Phone data extraction and code calculation time for Sec. M62+, M63 and M64 based phones - 43 - 55 sec.
- Direct unlock total time - MAX. 47 - 58 sec.
- FAST Flash reading for Sec. M62+, M63, M64 based phones:
_ - my100X - 27sec.
_ - my210X - 55sec.
_ - my411CV- < 6min.
_ - my401X - < 4min.
_ - myX6-2 - < 8 min.
_ - V-76 - < 16min.

Few useful notes and recommendations: 1.For Direct unlocking and repairing is important battery to be fully charged!

2.The phones supported via Test Points (M62 and M62+ based Sagem's) can't be unlocked via USB-To-Com cable.
Unlocking of such phones use 'Dongle unlocking device' option in SagDD and is credits free!

3.The phones supported via USB-To-COM cable (Sec. M62+, M63 and M64 based Sagem's) take 1 credit from customer
account for unlocking.

4.Phone Code for Sec. M62+, M63 and M64 phones are shown in SagDD server status window in unlocking time.
Latter you can found it in SgCodesFromServer.log file.

5.In case of any unusual manner or strange behavior while unlock or repair phone, please read flash.bin and
send to support (SagemDD@Yhaoo.De or with simple note attached.

BTW, TODAY is SagDD box birthday ...

Three years successful and unlimited support ...

SagDD Support continues ...

Best Regards

SagDD Team.