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  1. #1
    Technical hungphongmobile™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định HWK Release 18/08/2009

    Release Date: 18/08/2009

    The Official release is ready in our download area http://sarunasoftware.com.

    WARNING !!!
    If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

    Please make sure you un-install all old versions, first HWK Suite, then HWK Support Suite, you can then install the new software, first HWK Support Suite and then HWK Suite.

    You MUST update your HWK using client, old client versions will no longer work.

    You MUST be running HWK software to access support.

    UFS_DCTxBB5 v2.0.9.0

    1. New BB5 products: RM-424,RM-465,RM-469,RM-481,RM-482,RM-483,
    2. New DCT4+ products: RM-519,RM-520 (2720a-2,2720a-2b)
    3. New Samsung Flash Chip: 00EC2606 (K8S3215ETF)
    4. Corrected VPL parsing for some models (N97)
    5. Only NU48F256 left in [1331] option and moved to BB5 Tab.
    6. SX4 bypass introduced using temporary NPC certificate erase.
    7. [One Boot] option introduced (RAPx based One MCU products)
    8. Enabled Files Multiselect, when Writing Certificates.
    9. Erase Option for BB5 (for Experts Use Only !)

    Do not use external VPP adapter with RX2 enabled cables, since this will put VPP direct to RX2 and its possible to KILL the phone.

    LG GSM V

    1. Unlock Codes Display for Infineon EGOLD Voice added
    (Boot and See NCK Code for Instructions Press UNLOCK)

    SAMs V

    T539 added (DUNL,IM,FL)
    Fixed MSL algorithm for some models (C3050,...)
    D606,D900E,E260,M2310,P220,S366,S5050,S5200 added(DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
    B270i,C276,C276L,E1070M,E1070T,E1075,E1075L,E1105T ,E2100B,
    E2210B added (DUNL,IM,FL)
    Manual Port Selection Added
    (Use Refresh, After Each Phone Reboot or Reconnect)
    (Untic QualComm Mode, Before Flashing)
    F480R,i6210,U900W added.
    UNLOCK and UNFREEZE added for these models:
    A736,A737,F490,G800,G800L,M7600,S5600,U900W,Z400,Z 540

    We would like for some users to add localisation in their own native language to the software, localisation is added to SAMs only at the moment but will be added to other modules in future.


    1. Only 1 contributer per language.
    2. You must know how to use the software and what each function does.
    3. The chosen language is your native language or you are fluent in the selected language, for example Chinese is not my native language and I would like someone to take over from me and finish/correct as required.

    Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!


    Official SarasSoft Rapidshare Mirrors:-


    <marquee ><font size=3 color=cyan><b> HungPhongMobile™ Service Center</b></font></marquee>
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  2. ( hungphongmobile™ ) đã được 3 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    batrimobile (19-08-2009), chauanhmobile (19-08-2009), nguyentucuong (23-08-2009)

  3. #2
    Guest quocchuong566's Avatar

    Mặc định

    có ai thử chưa các bạn, mình vào sever không dc nên không biết thế nào

  4. #3
    Thành viên kỳ cựu Anhvan thanhba's Avatar
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    Trích Được post bởi quocchuong566 Xem bài viết
    có ai thử chưa các bạn, mình vào sever không dc nên không biết thế nào
    Nghe nói nó SX4 offline OK -Erase BB5 Mấy thằng Nga đoán mò mà suýt đúng thiếu cái USB flash

  5. #4
    Guest quocchuong566's Avatar

    Mặc định

    đang định mua mt box đẻ sx auth, kiểu này khỏi mua luôn. thật là mừng

  6. #5
    V.I.P jerrylevu's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Không có rapidshare account nên chỉ down được 1 file , để ngày mai tính tiếp......

  7. #6
    Vi phạm nội quy quanpham's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    up cho tin mới HWK

  8. #7
    Thành viên tích cực huuson_0988's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    cho em hỏi mình dow về rùi khi cài có cần remove bảng củ không mấy anh

  9. #8
    V.I.P hanghuu's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Remove bản cũ đi bạn

  10. #9
    Guest quocchuong566's Avatar

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    Trích Được post bởi huuson_0988 Xem bài viết
    cho em hỏi mình dow về rùi khi cài có cần remove bảng củ không mấy anh
    cẩn thận, vì sever đang quá tải nên rất khó apdate.

  11. #10
    Thành viên chính thức xauxilx2005's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    anh em nào test chưa up lên cho bà con nè

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