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  1. #1
    V.I.P TânĐạiDương's Avatar
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  2. #2
    * MODs Danh Dự * HVmobi's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Thêm thông tin này cho Smartmoto V3.01

    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.01.

    With this release we present:

    1. Released Unlock solution for Sony Ericsson Z320i and Z250i.
    2. Supported Unlock for V3хх with boot version 4.10 (beta test).
    3. Modified boot sending procedure for Compal W2xx series and F3.
    4. SE models are moved to the separate tab "SE phones" in SmartMoto interface.

    In case of having difficulties with connection of Sony Ericsson T250i, Z320i and Z250i please modify data cable according to the diagram with 2 low power Zener Diodes. The required Zener Diode value is 3.3V and 0.35-0.5W (for example, model 1N5988B). For more details please see cable schematic.
    Chuyên: Sửa chữa ĐTDĐ. Unlock_Nạp tiếng việt _Sửa lổi phần mềm.

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