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  1. #1
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định MAGICO Box update new

    Magico Box Software V1.03 is available now!

    - Read/Write/Change HDD Parameters
    -The fastest Read & Write HDD Programmer(World's first)
    -Fix & Restore HDD(World's first)
    -Erase data fully(World's first)
    -Repair 4s/5/5c/5s/6/6 Plus/6s/6s Plus/7/7 Plus/iPad 2/3/4/Air/Air2/Mini1/Mini2/Mini3/Mini4/Pro9.7/Pro10.5/Pro12.9/Pro New flash memory errors, such as, etc.
    -Unbind WiFi for 6s,6s Plus,7,7 Plus, iPad Pro…
    -Check and test HDD to see if it's good or not for 6s,6s Plus,7,7 Plus,iPad Pro…
    -Expand HDD storage capacity & Change HDD S/N for 4s/5/5c/5s/6/6 Plus/6s/6s Plus/7/7 Plus
    -Expand HDD storage capacity, ID unlock, & Change HDD for iPad 2/3/4/Air/Air2/Mini1/Mini2/Mini3/Mini4/Pro9.7/Pro10.5/Pro12.9/Pro New

    Download MagicoBox v.1.03

  2. #2
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    New! Magico Box Software V1.05 is available now!

    Magico Box V1.05
    add help files
    the speed of reading and writing is super fast

    You can update your iPhone 4s/5/5c/5s/6/6p/Se/6s/6sp/7/7p/iPad 2~iPad Pro harddisk(ex: 8G update to 128GB)
    You can read\write\fix base spi flash ic(ex:Itunes 1,16...error and more)
    You can Repair Harddisk (ex,iTunes 6,9,14,21,40,4013,4014 error and more)
    You can backup\Write harddisk date(Support full flash read\write\erase...)
    You can change the iPhone\iPad Info(SN\WIFI MAC\BT MAC\local\modem...)

    Download Magico_Box V1.05

  3. #3
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    MAGICO Restore-Easy Support iPhone/iPad Automatically Restore iPhone/iPad! Connect &

    Magico Restore-Easy

    GO to MagicoTEAM WEB

    1. Enter "Restore" mode automatically: No pressing buttons! No replacing cables! One Restore-Easy, complete solution! Simple & fast! Foolproof & Zero-failure!

    2. Support iPhone/iPad with non-functioning touch/keypads/switches! Easy way to restore and flash your device! Easy access to check your device's Serial Number! A must-have when switching to a new iPhone/iPad!

    3. Support flashing/restoring motherboards/logic boards for iPhone/iPad! Your best choice for flashing!

    4. Support models: iPh 5S-8P, X-11 Pro Max; iPad Mini 2, Mini 3, Mini 4, Air, Air 2, 9.7, Pro 9.7, Pro 12.9, Pro 2 (10.5), Pro 2(12.9)….

  4. #4
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    MAGICOTEAM / MAGICO OPPO Tool Software v2.5A is out!

    MAGICOTEAM/ MAGICO OPPO Tool Software v2.5A is out!

    By setting your hands free, MAGICO OPPO TOOL can help bypass OPPO ID locks quickly. Nowadays OPPO server is upgrading continously, the time required to squeeze into its loophole is becoming shorter and shorter. With the help of MAGICO OPPO TOOL and its free software, you can set the time at your will for clicking the buttons to help remove OPPO ID locks.

    MAGICOTEAM/ MAGICO OPPO Tool Software v2.5A Release Notes:
    Added support for the following devices:
    - A5
    - A7
    - A7N
    - A7X
    - A8
    - A9
    - A9X
    - A11
    - A11X
    - K1
    - K3
    - K5
    - R15
    - R15X
    - R17
    - R17 Pro
    - Find X
    - RENO
    - RENO Z
    - RENO ACE


  5. #5
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    MAGICO OPPO Tool Software v3.1A is out!Bypass OPPO ID Account Lock

    MAGICOTEAM/ MAGICO OPPO Tool Software v2.5A is out!

    By setting your hands free, MAGICO OPPO TOOL can help bypass OPPO ID locks quickly. Nowadays OPPO server is upgrading continously, the time required to squeeze into its loophole is becoming shorter and shorter. With the help of MAGICO OPPO TOOL and its free software, you can set the time at your will for clicking the buttons to help remove OPPO ID locks.

    MAGICOTEAM/ MAGICO OPPO Tool Software v3.1A Release Notes:
    Added support for the following devices:
    - A5
    - A7
    - A7N
    - A7X
    - A8
    - A9
    - A9X
    - A11/A92020
    - A11X
    - K1
    - K3
    - K5
    - R15
    - R15X
    - R17
    - R17 Pro
    - Find X
    - RENO
    - RENO Z
    - RENO ACE

    GOOGLE Driver Download

  6. #6
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    MAGICO OPPO TOOL V3.5 add Find X/Find X2/Reno 3/Reno 3Pro bypass account lock

    MAGICO OPPO TOOL V3.5 update:
    add Reno3 / Reno 3 Pro models bypass account lock
    Find X/Find X2/Reno Ace/Reno 10X bypass account lock

    MAGICO OPPO TOOL V3.5 Download Link1

    MAGICO OPPO TOOL V3.5 Download Link 2

  7. #7
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    iRepair Box P10 iPhone 7/7P/8/8P/X Dfu programmer No solder nand programmer


    Support for Win7/8/10 systems
    Support for 7/7P/8/8P/X models
    Upgrade iPad models freely
    Upgrade software automatically
    Support One-Click Unpack WiFi Data of NAND for 8/8P/X
    No Need to Remove NAND for 7/7P/8/8P/X when removing and changing IC kits
    Support to read and write the iphone Serial number , Bluetooth/Wifi code , Model ,Counctry, Camera and all other syscfg data without disassembling
    One-click into the DFU ( Development Firmware Upgrade), that is, the iPhone firmware forced lifting mode,support upgrade in the future...

  8. #8
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    iRepair Box iPhone 6/6p/6s/6SP/7/7P/8/8P/X NAND Programmer/Sn repair tool

    iRepair Box
    Support for Win7/8/10 systems
    Support for iPhone 6/6P/6S/6SP/7/7P/8/8P/X
    Upgrade models freely
    Upgrade software automatically
    Support One-Click Unpack WiFi Data of NAND for 6S/6SP/7/7P/8/8P/X
    No Need to Remove NAND for 6/6P/6S/6SP/7/7P/8/8P/X when removing and changing IC kits
    Support to 6/6P/6S/6SP/7/7P/8/8P/X read and write the iPhone Serial number, Bluetooth/Wifi code, Model, Country, Camera, and all other SYSCFG data without disassembling
    One-click into the DFU ( Development Firmware Upgrade), that is, the iPhone firmware forced lifting mode
    can change the bottom data of Nand HDD chip directly Without Removal chip from mother board , supports All displays like 7P and 8P DTP screen and C11

  9. #9
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    iRepair box p10 V1.06 software download link

    iRepair box v1.06 Google driver Download Link1

    iRepair box V1.06 Dropbox Download Link 2

  10. #10
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Iphone 6s error 9 solved with irepair box without remove pcie. Purple screem mode

    ERROR 9






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