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  1. #1
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định FREE JAF Phlips released !!!

    JAF-Philips is ready

    If you do not like this software, PLEASE DO NOT USE IT if you like it, enjoy and have fun.

    Maybe some of you need it, maybe some of you do not need it, however, it is FREE available but it works only with Pkey. It can not cost you money, it can bring you only money, so we hope to make a nice present for our customers.

    JAF-Philips is made by another coder and we asked him to support it. If he will do in future we will see, but soft is free so please do not ask for updates. If we will deliver updates is okay if not is also okay. JAF and ME we are first of all focused on our JAF box support for Nokia, but we promise we try like always our best also for this as far it is possible for us.

    Flash files upload is in progress, but we still have some small problems with our server, i hope it to be done in next 48 hours. The software is based on old wray software so the one have wray, they can use the files with this software. You need RS232 cable sets and pkey. JAF box is not necessary to run this software.

    We have upload a beta version unter : It is a beta, please test it and report bugs.

    Best Regards,
    Odeon Team

    p.s. please update your PKEY in order to be able to use this software
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  2. #2
    Thành viên chính thức MoTo_HeRo's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Cái nào free thì không biết,chứ vụ này bảo dảm không có máy test,free cũng như không!

  3. #3
    Administrator saigonmobile's Avatar
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    Mặc định JAF New Update - v.2.87

    New Update - v.2.87

    Philips JAF v2.87 is released with the next features:

    Please use J.A.F. Launcher and update the card
    before using this version


    - Support 355: 01140605 - 24/09/04
    - Support 362: 02470110 - 09/12/05
    - Support 362: 02470007 - 09/09/05

    Corrections and improvements:

    - Corrected 9@9c Recovery Mode booting
    - Upload Flash FTP server is working again
    - New firmwares uploaded in support site

    J.A.F. Team
    Welcome to :

    SỐ 697 - 699 ĐƯỜNG 3 THÁNG 2 - P.6 -Q.10 TP.HCM
    ĐT/FAX :028.3.9572152 - 028.3.8575707 - 0283.9574129
    Email :

  4. #4
    Thành viên chính thức nama's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    cái dùng ok , đã test phillip 822.

  5. #5
    Thành viên mới phamtuan1981's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ban nao co file 6288 cho em xin.

  6. #6
    Thành viên tích cực DungStupid's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    I have TD228. he he ! I will test and post result !
    Ký gì mà ký ! Để từ từ ..... em ký ! :D
    YM : AnhDungGSM

  7. #7
    Vi phạm nội quy quanpham's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    kêu mình test kiếm lỗi báo cho nó ^^ . chắc đi trốn quá

  8. #8
    V.I.P htv1810's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    p/s:không spam bài,close topic ở đây.
    Nhận unlock,sữa chữa DTDĐ và đào tạo học viên.
    AzSoft Mobile Service
    6F' Nguyễn Thị Tần P2.Q8.TPHCM

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