SmartMoto 1.23
Clip serial: ********, version: 2.26, initializing... OK
Searching for phone... found S Blank Neptune LTE2, getting test interface... interface not found
Switching to flash mode... OK
Reading phone boot version... 3.00
Reading flash id... ST-M30L0R8000B0
Reading flash id/2... OK, ST-M58LR128FT
Phone group: V235,V360,V360v,V3i,V3r,L7,L7v
Hardware IMEI: 359414002548113
Security area saved to "S Blank Neptune LTE2 359414002548113.pds"
Login request... OK
Writing section0 done
Writing section1 done
Restarting phone... OK
Searching for phone... found S Blank Neptune LTE2
Switching to flash mode... OK
Repair PDS request... OK
Performing PDS repair... OK
Writing section0 done
Please write a corresponding Full_flash file to phone to accomplish repair
Writing section0 boot done
Writing section1 done
Flash completed!
Smart-clip first in world !
Best motorola repair tool !