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  1. #1
    Guest DNA's Avatar

    Thumbs up Let's know somthing new about UEM

    Let's know somthing new about UEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hi every one

    today we will talk about some thing important
    about UEM and change Imei ....

    many of us have the problem imei ?????????????
    at some cases we just write RPL file to the phone and the phone work perfect

    but at some cases we must change UEM first before write RPL ( when mobile switch off after 30 sec)

    and this case that we will talk about ...
    some times you change UEM but the mobile still switch off after 30sec
    you change another one but the same problem

    some think it's a problem of way to change or any thing else

    but the problem be in the UEM type

    who said UEM in all nokia are same ... that's wrong

    ok how we know we use the correct UEM with the phone????

    i list here the diffierent type of UEM and the mobiles it's work with

    UEM 4370825
    work with 1100 - 2300 - 3510 - 3510i - 3600 - 3650 - 3660 - 5100 - 6100 - 6200 - 6310i - 6600 - 6610 - 8310

    UEM 4376001
    work with 3100 - 6100 - 6610i

    UEM 4370959
    work with 3200 - 6220 - 7200

    UEM 4376371
    work with 3220 - 3230 - 6020 - 6101 - 6230 - 6260 - 6670 - 7260 - 7270 - 7610

    UEM 437B226
    work with 3300 - 6170 - 7270 - 7260

    UEM 4370805
    work with 3510 - 6310 - 6510 - 8310 - 8910

    UEM 4371701
    work with 5140

    UEM 4370945
    work with 6230

    UEM 4376347
    work with 6260

    UEM 4370841
    work with 7210 - 7650

    UEM OMAP T4377049
    work with 6680

    UEM 4370861
    work with 7650

    UEM 4377029
    work with 9500

    PS: Sưu tầm

  2. #2
    Thành viên mới ông_tám_gsm's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2006
    Bài viết
    Cám ơn !!!
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