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  1. #1
    Technical hungphongmobile™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định 01.07.2009 - MT Box Nokia - MTB NK 1.59 setup

    01.07.2009 - MT Box Nokia - MTB NK 1.59 setup
    Release notes:

    Added button 'RapidoRPL' - use this to calculate SIMLOCK in RPL format, and repair rapido phones with damaged simlock data
    Fixed FBUS flashing to solve problem with very slow flashing 5310 to version 10.10
    Fixed FBUS boot of some slow BB5 models - 5220, 6600, etc ...
    Added support for USB flashing 5130 and similar models (using Dead USB is more stable)
    All Server accounts who have service enabled for code generation or rapido phones (dk_sl2 service) also now have enabled RPL service for price of 10 credits ( this is dksl2XXXXX limited accounts and full accounts)
    Fixed flashing bugs for some RAPIDO phones
    Added Nokia_Connectivity_Cable_Driver and Nokia_Flashing_Cable_Driver
    MTB NK 1.59 setup

    <marquee ><font size=3 color=cyan><b> HungPhongMobile™ Service Center</b></font></marquee>
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  2. ( hungphongmobile™ ) đã được 12 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    BÌNH CAO LÃNH (02-07-2009), chauanhmobile (02-07-2009), coniu (02-07-2009), dinhthangtam (02-07-2009), ngocnam1234 (02-07-2009), nhanmobile (02-07-2009), Tamansu (15-07-2009), thanhliem910 (28-08-2009), thao0908 (07-08-2009), thaonhu1973 (07-07-2009), tonyteo05 (02-07-2009), TUYHOAGSM™ (02-07-2009)

  3. #2
    Thành viên tích cực ngocbmt's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Mar 2007
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    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 39 Times in 33 Posts

    Mặc định

    thnaks bạn nhé rất có ích cho ae
    TT:DTDD AnyPhone 01 Hoàng Diệu:TP.Ban Mê Thuật Tỉnh ĐakLak :0905.857.857 :05003.70.88.99

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