Subject: Solution for incompatible platforms of L7.
Product: Motorola L7, fw ver. R4517_G_08.C4.37R, boot ver.: 0A.20

Problem: incompatible platforms R4517 and R4513

Solution: Repair PDS + FullFlash + Repair IMEI


1) Connect the phone to SmartClip and press 'Search' button. The

2) Log to 'Prepare phone' bookmark
Select L7 phone model
Press 'Prepare phone'
Perform Prepare cycle according to the step-by-step manual.
3) Log to 'Repair' bookmark
Select L7_R4513 option and press 'Repair PDS'
4) Log to 'Flash' bookmark
Press 'Browse' and select corresponding Fullflash file
Remove all ticks at 'Flash options' area
Press 'Write flash'
5) Log to 'Restore IMEI' bookmark
Select 'L7' phone model.
Apply 'IMEI repair firmware patch'
Type phone's original IMEI (optionally)
Press 'Restore IMEI'
1) in some cases it is possible that you won't be able to return to R4517 platform anymore! It can happen when you'll flash high version of R4513 (for example, R4513_G_08.B7.AER_RB, R4513_G_08.B7.E0R_RB ...)

2) Also you can change platform back from R4513 to R4517, but it's working only for the low fw versions of R4513.

You can perform the same procedure for V3i ver. R479 and R47A. But my caution also concerns for these phone versions.