Samsung 2G Tool 3.4.0062 Update. First in the world.
-GT-E1151 flashing - first in the world
Selected model: E1151
Selected com port: COM3
Selected speed port: 921600
Search 1 parts for flashing
Please, connect phone and press power button
Sending file: ../HW/EGVV3_FORMFACTOR/VODAFONE_BA/XMM1100.fls... OK
Search 1 parts for flashing
Sending file: ../HW/EGVV3_FORMFACTOR/VODAFONE_BA/cust_package_BA_Version_RCT.cust... OK
Search 1 parts for flashing
Sending file: ../HW/EGVV3_FORMFACTOR/VODAFONE_BA/XMM1100.eep... OK
Flash FLS - ok
Elapsed time: 184 second, sw ver: 3.4.0062
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