Dear users,
We know that some of you were surprised by the release of fake update from the bunch of people that pretend to be professionals… But we are not like them… We release fully working, fully protected and fully tested solutions. And as usual, we have good news for all of you.

So, please enjoy - Smart-Clip v5.00, S-Card v3.01 and SmartMoto v4.01.With this release we present IMEI repair solution for MotoMAGX based models:
•EM35 (beta test)
•VE66 (beta test)
The procedure is simple. If the phone is unlocked with SmartMoto just press keys 4 and 6, connect phone SmartMoto, log to IMEI repair tab and set repaired number with Write button. In other case - flash the phone with 2 flash files, connect to SmartMoto, log to IMEI repair tab and set repaired number with Write button.