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  1. #1
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định ATF Update anh em vui lòng post ở đây

    -Feb 22, 2010-
    ATF New Beta Version 3.0 Released


    * Can Repair Super dongle key of SL1,SL2,Sl3
    * Can Repair Sim Lock Data of SL1,SL2
    * Can Remove Simlock Via Codes of SL1,SL2,
    * Can Remove Simlock for so called "SL3"
    (New RAPIDO)
    * 5800d (RM-356) - v31.0.008 - v30.0.011 - v31.0.101
    * 6790s-1c (RM-492)
    * 6790s-1b (RM-599)
    * E63 (RM-437) - v400.21.013
    * E71 (RM-346) - v400.21.013
    * N96 (RM-247) - v30.033 - v30.101

    More Stable BB5 FBUS Flashing (Support New PROTOCOL)

    and fix some flashing bugs as reported by users in previous version now software will be more stable


  2. ( nokia service code ) đã được 2 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    minhthucmobile (28-10-2010), trong khai (13-09-2010)

  3. #2
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    - Feb 26, 2010-

    New Setup EXE for BETA 3 ATF Software


  4. #3
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Mar 3, 2010

    * New Loader taken from Phoenix_Service_Software_2010_8_4_41526.exe (Dated 12-7-2009) released few days ago
    * Added Simlock RPL Unlock
    * Added Simlock RPL Relock
    * Added Old Method Unlocking SL1
    * Self Test - READING
    * Modify Loader Scanning
    * Production Data Edit - Reading
    * VPP Auto Voltage Enabled - If you want to use External VPP
    * Turbo FBUS Flashing Mode Enabled -> More Faster than Normal
    * Personal INI Settings added
    * Added Elapse time
    * Fixed Auto-backup RPL
    * Fix Some Reported Bugs

    Dowload Link

  5. #4
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    - Mar 6,2010 -

    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) Beta v4.1

    - Fixed DNS Server problem during activation
    - Server IP added in INI
    - Fixed some flashing bugs for E71 and other phones.
    - Adjust timings for flashing
    - Fixed some minor bugs

    Unzip and replace all files into Folder where AdvanceBox.exe installed.

    Feel The power!!


    Download Link

  6. #5
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF [Advance turbo Flasher] Version v2010.0.1.21 update!! 12 Mar 2010

    What is new:

    - Life Timer Tuning - >> First in the WORLD
    *can put anything you want
    *Read/Write Life timer in hours and minutes
    - Improved BB5 FBUS Flashing
    - Added SX4 (Server Based)
    - Backup RPL/PM and etc.. added its own IMEI
    - Added Capture SCREEN, just right click mouse in window log
    - Added window log function (Select all, clear, capture screen)

    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) official thread for UPDATES:

    Download from:
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) -rapidshare Official mirror

  7. #6
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF [Advance turbo Flasher] Version v2010.0.1.22 update!! 17 Mar 2010

    What is new:

    - First in the world iTablet third party box to support full flashing on working/dead phone. (ONLY WORKING IN Windows XP!! NOT working in Vista/ Windows 7!!)

    * [N900 : RX-51]
    * [N810 : RX-44]
    * [N800 : RX-34]

    - New box activation engine

    - New SL1, SL2, SX4 and SD Repair server

    - Skip Certificate restore, Skip erasing added to Turbo Flashing Option.

    Download from:
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Rapidshare Official mirror
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Official download area

  8. #7
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Version 4.60 update!! 22 Mar 2010

    What is new:

    Firmware Update Function was fixed to allow better compatibility with "paranoid" anti-virus softwares that stops the previous updates. Added "Restore" Firmware for boxes with Incomplete or Erased firmware due to disrupted Firmware Updating.

    Fast DCT4 Engine

    - Faster Booting using Easy Cables
    - Selected flashing speed will automatically adjust to slower speeds if it detects a slow phone

    Turbo BB5 Engine

    - Fixed CNT 128 Conversion function for BB5 IMAGE files
    - Internal DDR + 2TX buffer changed to 8MB
    - Adjustable delay added in between Flash Erasing

    Download from:
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Rapidshare Official mirror
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Official download area

  9. #8
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Version 4.70 update!! 31 Mar 2010

    What is new:

    ATF is now even faster than before!!!

    *** Firmware Update Needed ***

    New FPGA Firmware LogiCore 3.30.10
    Upto 30% Faster Flashing Speeds on NOR Flash Chips (BB5 Phones)
    Upto 10% Faster Flashing Speeds on NAND Flash Chips (BB5 Phones)

    Main Update
    - New SX4 Server now supports keys created from other boxes
    - Backup SX4 Server (for original keys) will automatically switch if primaray server encouters problems

    BB5 Turbo Engine
    - Upto 30% Speed Increase in Flashing NOR Flash Chips
    - Upto 10% Speed Increase in Flashing NAND Flash Chips
    - Improved Windows 7 USB Scheduling Support
    - Fixed N95, N95 8GB and E90 Booting Problem

    DCT4 Non Turbo Engine
    - Flash Chip Erasing Speed Adjusted
    - Flashing Bug Fixed

    Download from:
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) -Rapidshare Official mirror
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Official download area

  10. #9
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] version 4.80 Update!! 20 APR 2010

    Download from:
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Rapidshare Official mirror
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Official download area

  11. #10
    Thành viên danh dự TuấnPhát_GSM's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
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    Mặc định ATF 6.50 Update!! 17 Jan 11!!

    ATF 6.50 Update!! 17 Jan 11!!

    Common Changes:
    Official Support for ATF Lightning Boxes
    Removed Update FTDI EEPROM Button (6.50 Software will automatically Fix/Update your FTDI EEPROM if Needed);
    Automatic Activation for "Extension Port" and Infineon
    FBUS Fixed BOX_SN: 00000000 Problems when displaying the Secondary Serial Number
    Added New Products to Nokia.ini
    Infineon Changes:
    Infineon XGOLD213 USB Flashing Supported (C1-01, C1-01.1 ,C1-02, C1-02.1, C2-00, C2-00.1, etc...)
    Infineon XGOLD213 Lifetimer Reset Automatic Detection Supported
    Infineon 1202/1203 (RH-111) TEST MODE Bug Fixed on ATF Lightning
    BB5 Changes:
    FBUS Loaders Updated to Release
    RAP3Gv30 New Protocol Loader Supported for NOR Based BB5 Phones
    RAP3G RPL Erasing/Writing Fixed using New Loaders
    5130c Read Info Crash after Flashing Fixed
    3110c and 5130c New Intel Flash Chip Fully Supported using New Loaders
    SL1/SL2 Simlock Rebuild OFFLINE Method Fixed
    2nd Time Buscheck Bug Fixed for ATF Box NEW PCB
    Symbian^3 Lifetimer Reset Fixed (C7-00, N8-00, E7-00, etc...)
    Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    ATF 6.50 Update!! - Public discussion thread:

    ATF 6.50 Update!! 17 Jan 11!!

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
    International - http://www.advance-box.com/

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
    World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
    Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher)
    Philippine: Gsmph
    Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
    Chinese support forum : ATF Box
    Vietnam: Saigonmobile
    India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
    Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
    Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile

    The Master Piece

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