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  1. #1
    Thành viên mới vudien's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jun 2009
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    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts

    Mặc định samsung 5220 chạy pw bằng tool bị lỗi nhờ ae giup

    như tiêu đề em có 1 em ss s5220 .mở máy lên s5220 rồi treo 1 luc thì tắt. em đã chạy lài bằng tool như bác by Hai_GSM_Pro; 04-11-2012 at 15:14. http://saigonmobile.vn/forum/phan-me...g-tool-ok.html chỉ nhưng khi chay đc 38% thì báo lỗi vậy xin ae chỉ dùng nó bị lỗi là do ji.nếu pw chưa ok thì ae nào có cho em xin với ạ. em ss 5220 này màu đen. em xin cảm ơn .

  2. #2
    Thành viên mới vudien's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jun 2009
    Bài viết
    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts

    Mặc định

    Device synchronized.
    Injecting EBL
    Boot-loader is active
    EBL version: 2150_OD_KL1_3.1 3..1
    Boot mode is: BB
    Using: Faster CRC, Writing all blocks , Skip data CRC , Skip protocol CRC
    Package length is 16384 - protocol: 3.32
    Baud rate set to 921600
    Get flash id.
    Flash ID is: 003000EC
    Boot process finished

    Start downloading item 'BOOT CORE PSIsi.fls'' from file 'D:\ss 5220\S5220DXLC2\S5220DXLC2_psi.fls''.
    Sending sec-pack.
    Load region 0
    - Sending data.
    Sending end-pack.
    Checksum OK (0x0000)
    Verify OK
    Process time was 780 msec.

    Start downloading item 'BOOT CORE SLB:slb.fls'' from file 'D:\ss 5220\S5220DXLC2\S5220DXLC2_slb.fls''.
    Sending sec-pack.
    Load region 0
    - Sending data.
    Sending end-pack.
    Checksum OK (0x0000)
    Verify OK
    Process time was 671 msec.

    Start downloading item 'CODE:CATFISH.fls'' from file 'D:\ss 5220\S5220DXLC2\S5220DXLC2_BSY.fls''.
    Sending sec-pack.
    Load region 0
    - Sending data.
    Load region 1
    - Sending data.
    Sending end-pack.
    Checksum OK (0x0000)
    Verify OK
    Process time was 55.4 sec.

    Start downloading item 'CODE:CATFISH.fls'' from file 'D:\ss 5220\S5220DXLC2\S5220DXLC2_CDS.fls''.
    Sending sec-pack.
    Load region 0
    - Sending data.
    Sending end-pack.
    Checksum OK (0x0000)
    Verify OK
    Process time was 764 msec.

    Start downloading item 'CUST:temp_GT-S5220_OLA.dffs'' from file 'D:\ss 5220\S5220DXLC2\S5220OLALC2_CSC.dffs''.
    Sending sec-pack.
    Load region 0
    - Sending data.
    Process time was 1 min 30 sec.

    Stopped at 38% total, 44% current
    Timeout occured during packet reception
    The phone did not answer within the timeout period. This could be that the communication is interrupted or that the target SW is in an endless loop.
    Check the connection to the phone, battery etc. If the problem persists report the error to the developer.
    Channel 1 is succesfully closed.

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