Mình có 1 con 6300, mở nguồn lên chữ Nokia rồi tắt. Chạy chương trình bằng cáp fbus ko được, mình chạy bằng cáp USB thì báo lỗi:
Detected P-KEY: 9002A3C7
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Searching for phone...Found
Sending RAW loader...
Using 06.02.002
Elf2flash 02.33.000 RAW loader...
Patching RAW boot step1...
Patching RAW boot step3...
Sending RAW Loader...
...................Loader Sent!
Stage 2 starting.......................................... ......................Loader Sent!
Stage 3 starting..................Phone prepared OK!
Waiting for the phone to boot...
Searching for phone...
Phone failed to boot in flash mode CMT...
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