N6303c rớt nước Camera báo đang hoạt động nhưng ko xài được! help me! hii!! ThankS
N6303c rớt nước Camera báo đang hoạt động nhưng ko xài được! help me! hii!! ThankS
plash USB ko được báo :JAF version 1.98.62
Detected PKEY: 90009699
Card life counter: 99.99%
P-key nokia module version 01.02
USB Cable Driver version:
Changing mode...Done!
Detected P-KEY: 90009699
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Not found!!!
Detected P-KEY: 90009699
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Init usb flashing...
Reading flashid...
CMT: 89820089 <=> INTEL -> Type not in database
APE: 00000000 <=> Flash -> not detected
Changing mode...
Detected P-KEY: 90009699
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Searching for phone...Detected P-KEY: 90009699
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
MCU SW version: V 09.10
(c) Nokia
HW version: 3000
PCI version:
RFIC version:
DSP version:
LCD version: SHARP
PPM version: V 09.10
(c) Nokia
BT MCM version: 410B-v170
Retu version: 16
Tahvo version: 22
Content Pack version: Content: v_chestnut
V 09.10
(c) Nokia
Production serial number: MVH459524
Product code: 0584688
Module code: 0204197
Basic production code: 0575071
Flash code:
Order number:
Product specific data:
Long production SN: 0
Default SN type:
IMEI plain: 351505047471936
IMEI spare to net: 3A 15 05 05 74 74 91 03
IMEI SV to net: 33 15 05 05 74 74 91 23 F6
CONFIG KEY: 2440700000000000
Provider: AT&T;U.S.A. (3650)
Key Code count: 0, FBUS Code count: 0
Block 1:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 2:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 3:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 4:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 5:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 6:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Block 7:
Lock 1: OPEN Lock 2: OPEN Lock 3: OPEN Lock 4: OPEN Lock 5: OPEN
Loading INI list...
Detected P-KEY: 90009699
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading product code...
Product Code: 0584688
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: D:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-443\
Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: \Products\RM-443\
Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
Checking path: D:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-443\
Scanning ini files...
Searching for default location of ini...
Checking path: \Products\RM-443\
Checking path: D:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-443\
MCU Flash file: D:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-443\rm443__08.90.mcusw
PPM Flash file: D:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-443\rm443__08.90.ppm_q
CNT Flash file: D:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-443\rm443__08.90_ISM_006.image_q_matt_black_ctv_hk _black
APE Variant file: NONE
Backing up CRT...
Detected P-KEY: 90009699
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Reading IMEI...
D:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\ProgData\351505047471936_CRT_backu p_184519.pm
Backup CRT OK!
Detected P-KEY: 90009699
P-key nokia module version 01.02
Init usb communication...
Searching for phone...Found
Reading SW version...09.10
Reading battery value...4126 mV
Init usb flashing...
Reading flashid...
CMT: 89820089 <=> INTEL -> Type not in database
APE: 00000000 <=> Flash -> not detected
Verifing ADL communication... Status byte 2
Scanning selected flash files...
Found CMT ULO server in flash file...
ADL->Loader: Update Application Loader -> Single Chip
Loader len: 427648, CHK: 0xD002
ADL -> Sending loader...
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......................
Waiting for the phone to boot...
Fail to reboot the phone...
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