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  1. #1
    Technical hungphongmobile™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định BB5 unlocker 2

    Some Java cards are here, limited quantity.
    Maybe in next 4-6 weeks there will be more cards but who knows.
    But, for now, because of great interest and limited cards edition, there will be some terms:

    You can buy card with 50,100, or more credits.
    Sugested price of one credit will be from 10 to 15 euro but NOT more than 15 euro.
    If somebody offers you more than 15 euro per credit, you can contact me

    Shiping is NOT included in price.

    Package will include:
    One smart card reader.
    One smart card.

    You have to buy by yourself two usb cables for connection with Nokia
    phones(USB 2 MiniUSB, USB 2 MicroUSB(CA-101))

    Also, you have to get appropriate Nokia USB drivers
    (Nokia_Connectivity_Cable_Driver_rel_7_0_2_0_eng.m si)

    There is some other files that you have to download from net but..next time.

    Selling smart cards will start probably next week.
    Once you receive smart card you have to contact those who send you card
    or Boban, Toma,etc and you will receive activation key for that card.

    Anyway there will be one more activation key(master key) that is same for
    all cards and that key I will post here 10 days after selling cards started
    so everybody will start same time regadless where is living.

    If you are interested in this card don't forget that you can buy this card
    ONLY if you have ALREADY phones on stock otherwise, you can loose
    money because of posible hack!!!

    Also there is no money back, garanty, support, etc...

    Unlocking method in theory can unlock:

    5320 xmusic - TESTED
    5700 xmusic - TESTED
    6110 navigator - TESTED
    6120c - TESTED
    6124c - TESTED
    6210 navigator - TESTED
    6220c - TESTED
    e51 - TESTED
    e66 - TESTED
    e71 - TESTED
    n76 - TESTED
    n78 - TESTED
    n81 8g - TESTED

    No need to open phone and to flash to appropriate SW version.
    Unlocking is done over USB cable in few sec.

    <marquee ><font size=3 color=cyan><b> HungPhongMobile™ Service Center</b></font></marquee>
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  2. #2
    Technical hungphongmobile™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Box unlock BB5 không cần testpiont có hàng rồi .Ai cần liên Admin xuân

    <marquee ><font size=3 color=cyan><b> HungPhongMobile™ Service Center</b></font></marquee>
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  3. #3
    V.I.P Mr_Diep's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Cái này cũng gần giống như mua code rùi.

  4. #4
    Thành viên tích cực DungStupid's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ĐÚng là phải mua code mà ! Có khác là nó ở dạng cái card và có thể mua đc nhiều lần mà thôi !
    Ký gì mà ký ! Để từ từ ..... em ký ! :D
    YM : AnhDungGSM

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