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  1. #1
    Thành viên tích cực baoth06's Avatar
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    Mặc định Mobell M200 mất loa nghe nhạc

    gọi 900 nghe loa bình thường, hát nhạc và người khác gọi lại thì im ru, máy ko có loa ngoài, đã khôi phục cài đặt gốc rùi. tháo main ra thì thấy chỉ có 1 cái loa, U và nguồn có dấu khò rồi. AE giúp đở dùm làm gi 2trước bây giờ.
    Chuyển hệ , mở mạng , sữa chữa đều không rành .
    Cài pan , phá máy , lượm xiền thì OK :D

  2. #2
    Thành viên chính thức KhaiHuynh's Avatar
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    cho mình gop ý tí nha.bạn thử chạy lại phầm mềm xem sao.

  3. #3
    Vi phạm nội quy tèo's Avatar
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    tháo cpu đống lại đi bạn ơi.

  4. #4
    Thành viên mới tuan6120119's Avatar
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    bạn làm lại ic chuông đi bạn

  5. #5
    Thành viên mới manhchinh's Avatar
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    em co may mobell m200 luc nao bat may len cung hien hinh tai phone nen loa ngoai khong dung duoc bac nao biet chi em zoi.thanhk nhiu

  6. #6
    Thành viên chính thức nhatkhanhmobile's Avatar
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    máy của bạn manhchinh thì kiếm con 6205 khác đập vào là ok mà.trước khi đâp nhớ vệ sinh bo cho kỹ rồi hãy làm sau./

  7. #7
    Thành viên tích cực vankhuong77's Avatar
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    máy của manh chinh thì gở mấy con tụ to gần chui xạc ra ok
    TK DONG A : 0110296040

  8. #8
    Vi phạm nội quy nopq781's Avatar
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    Smile Mobile TV debuts on area phones

    Nickelodeon, MTV and ESPN are coming to a mobile phone near you: live and in living color.Verizon Wireless rolled out its Mobile TV service in wholesale mobile phone Milwaukee Monday, beaming live television - not streaming video clips - to cell phones that can handle the signal.Mobile TV has been available in other parts of the country for a couple of years, and more than 75 markets already have it. But just because the Milwaukee area wasn't first to the party doesn't mean the city shouldn't kick back and watch wholesale phone the big game on the small screen."If the market is ready, we launch it," said Nikki Learakos, Verizon's V CAST Mobile TV product manager. "We want to get this out to our customers as soon as it's ready."Mobile TV uses part of the UHF spectrum for broadcasting. It's not like downloading video clips coming over a wireless carrier's data network, which can mean waiting for streaming video to buffer. Instead, Mobile TV's video is wholesale china phone smooth and consistent, and the two phones that Verizon currently sells that work with the service provide a program guide with a schedule so viewers can see what's coming up.Turning on the tiny tube takes only a couple of seconds, which is ideal for parents looking to placate a cranky child, bored teens waiting for their ride or anyone waiting in a line or for an appointment, wireless experts say.It's real TV complete with commercials, Learakos said, noting that the basic Mobile TV package costs $15 a month and buys 12 channels, including: CBS, CNBC, Comedy Central, ESPN, FOX Mobile, MSNBC, MTV, NBC and Nickelodeon. A premium package that includes unlimited streaming video clips, mobile Web and other features costs $25 a month, she said. To entice people to try the service in Milwaukee, the first month of Mobile TV will be free.Although some of Mobile TV's programming is simulcast, including a lot of news and sports, Learakos said some shows, including late-night programming, are aired the following day. Subscribers can visit a Web site set up for the service and have reminders sent to their phones if they want to make sure they don't miss their favorite shows.Verizon isn't the only carrier selling live TV via mobile phone. AT&T uses the same TV-to-mobile phone technology for its subscribers - supplied from a company called Flo TV - although it is not available in Milwaukee yet. Sprint sells a live TV service, too, using a different technology from MobiTV that works in the Milwaukee area.

  9. #9
    Thành viên mới damphuongdien's Avatar
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    em có con mobell thỉnh thoảng lại bị mất sóng. câu sóng rùi vẫn vậy .ko biet lam tn nữa mong các bác jup

  10. #10
    Thành viên mới endless_love's Avatar
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    A manhchinh ơi a thay jack sạc trước đi đừng làm vội ic cái này e thay jack sạc là ok liền,baoth06 a làm lại con kiến ic chuông trước tháo ra đo nó có tất cả là 9 chân nếu 2chân giừa ic là max con này ok làm chân đóng lại thôi,nếu mà đo thấy 3 chân giữa ic kiến la max hết thì con này die rồi.chúc 2 anh thành công.

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