Dear friends!
A new version of Omnius for Samsung v0.11 was released. It is filled up with more new models and features. You can start using it in this minute.
Official release notes:
Omnius for Samsung v0.11 (22nd December 2011)
- Added network unlocking of the Exynos 3110 phone platform with Android operating system (i9000 Galaxy S)
- Added identification of the Exynos phone platform with Android operating system (i9000, i9100)
Examples of supported phones:
The unlock is simple and can be done using a standard USB cable coming with the phone.
- Samsung Galaxy S (i9000)
- Samsung Galaxy SII (i9100) old security (up to MP 1.200)
- Samsung Galaxy Ace (S5830), Samsung Galaxy Gio (S5660)
- Samsung Galaxy Mini (S5570), Samsung Galaxy Fit (S5670),
- Samsung Galaxy 551 (i5510), etc.
- Samsung Star (S5230, S5230W, S5233, S5630, ..)
- Samsung S5630, Samsung Wave II (S8530)
Download links:
Official website: