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  1. #1
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định XTC 2 CLIP update new here

    XTC 2 Tool 1.30 released | HTC U Ultra, U play support

    Dear customers,

    Introducing XTC2Tool version 1.30:

    - HTC U Ultra S-OFF support*
    - HTC U Ultra CID change / IMEI repair / IMEI2 repair support
    - HTC U Ultra FRP support
    - HTC U Play S-OFF support*
    - HTC U Play CID change / IMEI repair / IMEI2 repair support
    - HTC U Play FRP support

    * Note: On some listed phones S-OFF may be temporary, phone will revert to S-ON on first boot to OS mode.

    XTC 2 Clip

    Direct download:




  2. #2
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    XTC 2 Tool 1.32 released | A9s IMEI/SIM-unlock and 6 more functions

    Dear customers,

    Introducing XTC2Tool version 1.32:

    - Support for A9s SIM-unlock
    - Support for A9s IMEI repair
    - Support for A9s Bootloader revert to LOCKED and UNLOCKED
    - Added bootloader RELOCK button to "Direct mode" tab
    - CID list with CID numbers and descriptions on every tab
    - Improved IMEI interface for Special unlock/IMEI
    - Added serial number write option for PowerAdapter
    - Added Model ID (MID) change option for PowerAdapter
    - Fixed TrustedReboot function for PowerAdapter

    Link for manual:
    XTC 2 PowerAdapter - How to use (manual)

    Direct download:




  3. #3
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    XTC 2 Tool 1.34 released | U11 IMEI repair & SIM unlock

    Dear customers,

    We wish you a happy holidays!

    Introducing XTC2Tool version 1.34:

    - U11 IMEI / IMEI2 repair
    - U11 SIM unlock
    - New reboot to recovery button
    - Autorestart after FRP reset
    - Desire 530 lock/unlock via Special unlock/IMEI improved
    - Improved Special unlock / IMEI mode operations
    - Other bug-fixed and improvements

    Direct download:




  4. #4
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    XTC 2 Tool 1.35 released | U11 Android 8, U11 Life Android 7 and Android 8 + more

    Dear customers,

    We appreciate your patience, it's been a while since our last update, we are happy to announce our new version of XTC 2 Tool - 1.35!

    Introducing XTC2Tool version 1.35:

    1. Support for IMEI1 repair, IMEI2 repair, CID change, SIM unlock, downgrade for U11 Android 8.x
    2. Support for IMEI1 repair, IMEI2 repair, CID change, SIM unlock, downgrade for U11 Life Android 7.x and 8.x
    3. PowerAdapter functions improvements and speed up
    4. Added connection authorization detected
    5. Added special handling for more than one device connected sitation
    6. Added do not report connection status in main log window
    7. Improved RUU mode detection/switching for flashing process
    8. Interface improvements
    9. Multiple bug fixes and enhancements

    Direct download:


    Please note: This copy require you to activate your copy online via server. It's free as usual.

    Previous release:

    XTC 2 Tool 1.34 released | U11 IMEI repair & SIM unlock - GSM-Forum

  5. #5
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    XTC 2 Tool 1.36 released | U11 Eyes, U11 Plus and more

    Dear customers,

    We are happy to announce our new version of XTC 2 Tool - 1.36!

    Introducing XTC2Tool version 1.36:

    1. Added support for U11+ (SIM unlock, IMEI1/IMEI2 repair, CID change, downgrade)
    2. Added support for U11 Eyes (SIM unlock, IMEI1/IMEI2 repair, CID change, downgrade)
    3. Added read color information in download/fastboot mode
    4. Added write color command to Direct mode tab
    5. Added write color command to PowerAdapter tab
    6. Fixed Clear sim lock button for old models
    7. Fixed dual-SIM detection for PowerAdapter
    8. Fixed model may not be detected when initiated from Android mode for PowerAdapter
    9. Fixed rebooting to FTM mode string
    10. Fixed unable to retrieve bootloader/FRP token for some buggy firmwares
    11. Fixed Desire 530 (2PST) process in Special Unlock/IMEI tab
    12. Fixed Desire 550 (2PYR) process in Special Unlock/IMEI tab

    Direct download:



    Previous release:

    XTC 2 Tool 1.35 released | U11 Android 8, U11 Life Android 7 and Android 8 + more - GSM-Forum

    Important information about U11, U11 Life, U11 Plus and U11 Eyes procedure:

    The process itself is almost fully automatic, however, please restore original recovery BEFORE returning the phone to your customer! Otherwise he will NOT be able to make factory reset or take OTA!

  6. #6
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2007
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    Mặc định

    XTC 2 Tool 1.38 released | Full support for U12+ and more

    Dear customers,

    We are happy to announce our new version of XTC 2 Tool - 1.38!

    Introducing XTC2Tool version 1.38:

    - Added full support for U12+ - IMEI1/IMEI2 repair, CID change,
    SIM unlock (64GB / 128GB, Single SIM and Dual SIM)
    - Added downgrade support for U Ultra (Android 8 to Android 7)
    - Added filesystem repair to XTC 2 Tool, now it's easy to repair FS of the clip
    - Added Desire 555 to the supported models list
    - Improved U11, U11+, U11 Life, U11 Eyes handling
    - Improved flashing process for many models
    - Desire 530 (A16) workaround for FRP removal
    - Fixed IMEI2 U11 detection
    - Bug fixes and other improvements

    Direct download:



    Previous release:

    XTC 2 Tool 1.37 released | New fast method for U11,U11 Life,U11+,U11 Eyes - GSM-Forum

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