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    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định New version of Cruiser+ v11.06 released

    Dear all,

    we have released new version of Cruiser Plus:

    Cruiser Plus, Version 11.06 (28th Jul 2007):
    - Updated TAC list for K510i, K550i, K610i, K750i, S500i, V630i, W300i, W710i, W810i, Z310a, Z310i, Z710i, LG U8330i. [also in Cruiser]
    - Fixed an issue with some DB2012 phones. [also in Cruiser]
    - Built-in customizations updated. [also in Cruiser]
    - Reenabled flashing of MBN and FBN flash files (at your own risk, of course). [also in Cruiser]
    - The latest DB2012 security scheme has been updated to the latest level of DB2020 security, therefore code reading functionality is completely disabled until we find out correct solution to this problem.
    Since Cruiser Plus became too large to be maintained effectively (it consists of cca 20MB of source code), more than a half year ago we decided to create a separate application. Current Cruiser Plus users will be able to use all features of this application immediately, with no additional costs.

    You can find it at our support areas.


    Cruiser Team
    Last edited by taihv™; 01-08-2007 at 11:46.
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

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