em kic vào XGOLD flash cái nó báo lỗi không cho chạy bị thế này mấy bác coi hô em dòng nay em chạy nhiều rồi mà quả này không biết bị j nũa
MXKEY [MxKey Team HTI Flasher Interface (WinUSB) 1], SN: C0874392
Using device: USB ROM and HTI, FW ver: 00.24, SN: 00015515
Connection status: EHCI:HUB::USB 2.00 (High-speed)
Driver: nmwcdnsuc, ver:
Module ver:, Library ver:
Make sure USB cable, Battery and charger are removed from device.
Insert USB cable, Battery back to device(make sure to have fully charged battery).
Insert Charger or Press phone's power button(if flashing doesnt start automatically)
Waiting for USB ROM device ...
CMT SYSTEM ASIC ID: 000000000000000022000509200C0000 [BCM213x1 ver: 1.0]
CMT EM0 ID: 00005361
CMT PUBLIC ID: 00000000008F02E2D45DA0FBD2B5CEA06511F7D3
CMT ROOT KEY HASH: 1B0D74C532CA1C6133940C740E8C786E
Loading CMT secondary boot code
SecondaryBoot: BCM21351_usb2nd.fg [BB5] version: 11.14.0 revision: 2.1 size: 0x3940
Supported Ids: 22000209200C0000, 2200020920030000, 22000509200C0000, 2200050920030000
eBB5ProtocolType: NEW
Secondary boot loaded.
Storage0: 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 type: RAM, asic:CMT
Storage1: FFFF 0000 - 0000 0000 type: MMC, asic:CMT
Storage2: 0020 0030 - 0000 0131 [ST NAND-1G] type: FLASH,NOR, asic:CMT
Storage3: 0010 0011 - 0000 0000 [unused/removed] type: FLASH,NOR, asic:CMT
Storage4: 0020 0030 - 0000 0131 [ST NAND-1G] type: FLASH,MuxOneNAND, asic:CMT
Suggested algorithm: XSR 1.6
Loading CMT update server data
Algorithm: BCM21351_XSR16_usbalg.fg [XSR 1.6] version: 11.14.0 revision: 2.1 size: 0x8FC7D
Supported Ids: 22000209200C0000, 2200020920030000, 22000509200C0000, 2200050920030000
Update server code loaded.
Waiting for USB device removal ...OK
Waiting for USB device arrival ...OK
Device connected: nmwcdnsuc\Nokia USB Flashing Generic, PORT_ID: 55B4CAB
FUR: Adding Asic CMT as client OK.
ERROR: ReqOutOfSessionDataRead[00000000] failed !
ERROR: ReqOutOfSessionControl(0x 2, 0x 3, 0x 0, 0x 0) failed !
ERROR: ReqOutOfSessionControl(0x 2, 0x 4, 0x 0, 0x 0) failed !
ERROR: ReqOutOfSessionControl(0x 2, 0x 9, 0x 0, 0x 0) failed !
ERROR: ReqOutOfSessionControl(0x 2, 0x A, 0x 0, 0x 0) failed !
Original IMEI:
RPL backup already exist (C:\mobileEx\3.5\data\backup\XGOLD__back.RPL)
Bad file format, incorrect magic header of image file !
Bad file format, incorrect magic header of image file !
Bad file format, incorrect magic header of image file !
Processing file:
Downloading item USER DISK:, num block: 0, size: 0
flashing terminated !