như tiêu đề ae xem giúp e xem máy bị sao ạ
thaks ae

ImageFile:\SOFTWARE\NOKIA\1202 RH-112\1202 RH-112 v4.03ppmMR\rh112_004.030
PhoneType : DCT4
Algorithm : DCT4 ALGORITHM
Supported Hardwares :
> 2293
Secondary Sending Speed : 100000Hz
Algorithm Sending Speed : 6500000Hz
Program Sending Speed : 6500000Hz
Message Reading Speed : 51000Hz
Number of Blocks : 148
Entry Point: 0x00E7
Is128k: True
Boot Check, Please wait...
MCUID Response
MessageID : 92
msbUPP_ID : 22
lsbUPP_ID : 93
Boot OK

Boot File: C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\DCT4_Loader\u3_2nd.fia
DataLen : 000009D8
Secondary Loader Sent...
Boot OK!
DCT4 Mess 9F MUL3 Mess 9F
TransMode : 03
NumFlash : 02
DevAddr0 : 01
ManuId0 : 0020 - ST
DevId0 : 8828 - Type not in database
ExtId0 : 0000
RevId0 : 0321
SectorSize0: 10
Reserved0 : 00
DevAddr1 : 02
ManuId1 : 0000 - Flash
DevId1 : 0001 - not used
ExtId1 : 0000
RevId1 : 0000
SectorSize1: 00
Reserved1 : 00
ExtBUSC : AD 7E B6 1A 23 10 03 40 C6 05 E4 01 20 A2 65 14
CheckSum : 96
ReceiveConfigurationResponse_DCT4 - FLS1_NO_ERROR
SearchForBootstrap_DCT4 : No Error
Algo Match File : C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\DCT4_Loader\u3_st_i.fia
MSID: 84EBB7F0A80DD1E19D804E85FC
DecodedMSID: 843E4EBAE900863371A9000000
EncodedFAID: D3C02CBE47A8CE74BD1F5658
Authentication : SUCCESSFULL
Erasing address:
>> 01000000 : 0100FFFF
ProgrammingStatus_DCT4 : No Error - 0 (0x00)

>> 01010000 : 013AFFFF
ProgrammingStatus_DCT4 : No Error - 0 (0x00)

>> 013B0000 : 013EFFFF
ProgrammingStatus_DCT4 : No Error - 0 (0x00)

>> 017C0000 : 017EFFFF
ProgrammingStatus_DCT4 : No Error - 0 (0x00)

>> 01FC0000 : 01FEFFFF
ProgrammingStatus_DCT4 : No Error - 0 (0x00)

Erasing Done
Flashing ImageFile
Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Data Corruption Detected...
Attempting to Rewrite Block

Flashing FAILED...
Flashing ERROR