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  1. #1
    Thành viên chính thức haomobifuns's Avatar
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    Mặc định 6230 tu nhien mat nguồn chạy fw ok ma nguồn kg lên

    mình nhận máy 6230 mat nguồn chay fw ok nhung len nguồn tí rồi tắt
    boot may báo như sau:

    getting MCU ID

    MCU ID: 0x1052
    FLASH ID0: 22F800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x00000000 - 0x00FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
    FLASH ID1: 003900EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 9
    FLASH ID2: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr2: 0x04000000 - 0x04FFFFFF, SectorSize2: 0
    FLASH ID3: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr3: 0x06000000 - 0x06FFFFFF, SectorSize3: 0
    First 16 bytes: 00 00 00 00 18 E0 9F E5 18 E0 9F E5 18 E0 9F E5
    Checking RAM for ALGO...
    Algo is ready...
    Checking FAID calculation...
    P-key nokia module version 01.02
    Phone Restarted...

    khi chạy xong

    Getting MCU ID

    MCU ID: 0x1052
    FLASH ID0: 22F800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x00000000 - 0x00FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
    FLASH ID1: 003900EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 9
    FLASH ID2: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr2: 0x04000000 - 0x04FFFFFF, SectorSize2: 0
    FLASH ID3: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr3: 0x06000000 - 0x06FFFFFF, SectorSize3: 0
    First 16 bytes: 00 00 00 00 18 E0 9F E5 18 E0 9F E5 18 E0 9F E5
    Checking RAM for ALGO...
    Algo is ready...
    Checking FAID calculation...
    P-key nokia module version 01.02
    Phone Restarted...
    Backing up PM Field 208 as RPL...
    Setting local mode...
    Failed! Aborting!
    Failed to backup imei...
    MCU: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-12\rh12_28_11005.500
    Booting phone...
    MCU ID: 0x1052
    BOOT file: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\te_2nd.fia
    Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
    Boot size is 0x2398
    Boot is ready...
    FLASH ID0: 22F800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x00000000 - 0x00FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
    FLASH ID1: 003900EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 9
    FLASH ID2: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr2: 0x04000000 - 0x04FFFFFF, SectorSize2: 0
    FLASH ID3: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr3: 0x06000000 - 0x06FFFFFF, SectorSize3: 0
    First 16 bytes: 00 00 00 00 18 E0 9F E5 18 E0 9F E5 18 E0 9F E5
    Flash ID is 0x22F800EC
    Flash loader is C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\te_amd.fia
    Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
    Loader size is 0x84A0; Loader chk: 38
    Loader is ready...
    P-key nokia module version 01.02
    MSID: 84C9FEAAECFEE66998A03E86B5
    MSID decoded: B03FBAE9005CBDA3A9000000
    Operation took 0 minutes 13 seconds...
    Found 4 interval(s) to erase
    Erasing area: 00000000 - 0000FFFF...
    Erasing area: 00010000 - 007FFFFF...
    Erasing area: 00800000 - 0093FFFF...
    Erasing area: 00B60000 - 00FEFFFF...
    Operation took 2 minutes 35 seconds...
    Perm. Data Restore OK
    Operation took 0 minutes 51 seconds...
    Restarting MCU...
    NAND Format OK!
    CNT: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-12\rh12_28_11005.50.ucp_V
    Booting phone...
    MCU ID: 0x1052
    BOOT file: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\te_2nd.fia
    Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
    Boot size is 0x2398
    Boot is ready...
    FLASH ID0: 22F800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x00000000 - 0x00FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
    FLASH ID1: 003900EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 9
    FLASH ID2: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr2: 0x04000000 - 0x04FFFFFF, SectorSize2: 0
    FLASH ID3: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr3: 0x06000000 - 0x06FFFFFF, SectorSize3: 0
    First 16 bytes: 00 00 00 00 18 F0 9F E5 18 F0 9F E5 18 F0 9F E5
    Flash ID is 0x22F800EC
    Flash loader is C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\te_amd.fia
    Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
    Loader size is 0x84A0; Loader chk: 38
    Loader is ready...
    P-key nokia module version 01.02
    MSID: 8405544AEB634CD7EB8949677B
    MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE9005CBDA3A9000000
    FAID: DC5D27744C8B9F65F3C5B254
    Operation took 0 minutes 13 seconds...
    Erasing Content Pack...
    Found 1 interval(s) to erase
    Erasing area: 00940000 - 00B3FFFF...
    Operation took 0 minutes 23 seconds...
    Perm. Data Restore OK
    Operation took 0 minutes 10 seconds...
    Restarting MCU...
    Operation took 0 minutes 0 seconds...
    Extracting Content Pack...
    Running: (c) Nokia File Server
    CNT Extract OK.
    Operation took 0 minutes 13 seconds...
    PPM: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RH-12\rh12_28_11005.50V
    Booting phone...
    MCU ID: 0x1052
    BOOT file: C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\te_2nd.fia
    Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
    Boot size is 0x2398
    Boot is ready...
    FLASH ID0: 22F800EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x00000000 - 0x00FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
    FLASH ID1: 003900EC <=> SAMSUNG (SEC) -> Type not in database Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 9
    FLASH ID2: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr2: 0x04000000 - 0x04FFFFFF, SectorSize2: 0
    FLASH ID3: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr3: 0x06000000 - 0x06FFFFFF, SectorSize3: 0
    First 16 bytes: 00 00 00 00 18 F0 9F E5 18 F0 9F E5 18 F0 9F E5
    Flash ID is 0x22F800EC
    Flash loader is C:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\te_amd.fia
    Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
    Loader size is 0x84A0; Loader chk: 38
    Loader is ready...
    P-key nokia module version 01.02
    MSID: 8492BCE9F727862BD7727D7679
    MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE9005CBDA3A8000000
    FAID: 38DD6632D1A2865101C2231B
    Operation took 0 minutes 12 seconds...
    Erasing PPM...
    Found 1 interval(s) to erase
    Erasing area: 00940000 - 00B3FFFF...
    Operation took 0 minutes 25 seconds...
    Perm. Data Restore OK
    Operation took 0 minutes 10 seconds...
    Restarting MCU...
    Flashing Done!
    Operation took 6 minutes 32 seconds...

    After flash processing...
    Waiting for phone to boot...
    Phone type: RH-12, Software version: 05.50
    IMEI: 354327002904802
    Product Code: 0513110
    Resetting PPC...

    máy mở nguon lên rồi tắt. kg mở nguồn lại được nửa chi có chay chương trình lại mở nguồn lên được tí rồi tắt luôn. xin được hướng dẫn

  2. #2
    Thành viên tích cực mr_hoangviet's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    chạy ver cao hơn đi bác ơi !
    HoanGvieT_Express™ Pleiku city <^> Phone 0989.414.679
    Y!H hoangviet_rc Skype Mr.hoangviet

  3. #3
    Thành viên chính thức haomobifuns's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    còn ver nào cao hơn nữa mình tìm thấy ver đó la lon nhất rồi. cho mình xin link di bạn

  4. #4
    Thành viên chính thức haomobifuns's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    mình xoá flash gio chay fw lai boot ime??????
    ASIC ID: 0x1052 [TikuEdge ver: 1.1]
    te_2nd.fia: [TIKU BT2] version: 4.70.1 revision: 0.7 size: 0x2398
    Supported Ids: 1051, 1052, 2051
    FlashID0: 00EC 22F8 [Samsung K8S2815ETA,128 Mbits] page size: 64 K type: NOR area: 00000000-00FFFFFF
    FlashID1: 00EC 0039 [Samsung KEE00E00CM Eija NAND,64 Mbits] type: NAND hw: EIJA(E)
    FlashID2: 0000 0001 [unused/removed]
    FlashID3: 0000 0001 [unused/removed]
    ExtBUSC: 0000 0000 18F0 9FE5 18F0 9FE5 18F0 9FE5
    te_amd.fia: [TIKU ALGORITHM] version: 4.70.1 revision: 0.7 size: 0x84A0
    Supported Ids: 1051, 1052, 2051
    Performing Flash Authentication ...OK
    UEM ID: 005CBDA3:3B8ADA60
    ASIC type: 6
    UEM Imei: 35432700290480
    Flash Imei: Empty
    Invalid imei checksum !

    Phone not responding !
    gio chay hết lên luôn rồi vẫn nhận cáp xin huong dan

  5. #5
    Thành viên danh dự ThienTran_GSM's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Trích Được post bởi haomobifuns Xem bài viết
    mình xoá flash gio chay fw lai boot ime??????
    ASIC ID: 0x1052 [TikuEdge ver: 1.1]
    te_2nd.fia: [TIKU BT2] version: 4.70.1 revision: 0.7 size: 0x2398
    Supported Ids: 1051, 1052, 2051
    FlashID0: 00EC 22F8 [Samsung K8S2815ETA,128 Mbits] page size: 64 K type: NOR area: 00000000-00FFFFFF
    FlashID1: 00EC 0039 [Samsung KEE00E00CM Eija NAND,64 Mbits] type: NAND hw: EIJA(E)
    FlashID2: 0000 0001 [unused/removed]
    FlashID3: 0000 0001 [unused/removed]
    ExtBUSC: 0000 0000 18F0 9FE5 18F0 9FE5 18F0 9FE5
    te_amd.fia: [TIKU ALGORITHM] version: 4.70.1 revision: 0.7 size: 0x84A0
    Supported Ids: 1051, 1052, 2051
    Performing Flash Authentication ...OK
    UEM ID: 005CBDA3:3B8ADA60
    ASIC type: 6
    UEM Imei: 35432700290480
    Flash Imei: Empty
    Invalid imei checksum !

    Phone not responding !
    gio chay hết lên luôn rồi vẫn nhận cáp xin huong dan
    mang qua HWK flash lại rồi quăng cái log lên đây đi bạn
    chuyên gia sát gái " Gặp phải tôi - em thật bất hạnh "
    yahoo : hoangtu_bongdem_1986
    phone : 0935 10 1986

  6. ( ThienTran_GSM ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    hauvcall (04-12-2009)

  7. #6
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    Mặc định

    con này phải mang sang hộp khác chạy lại thì lên thôi anh ơi.

  8. #7
    Thành viên chính thức haomobifuns's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    mình dùng Mxkey gửi file roi giờ con flash có ime rồi. chạy bằng Mxkey va hwk bao lổi. chay bang jaf thi ok màn hình len testmode mà khởi động nguồn kg lên. ai biết xin hướng dẫn! thanks

  9. #8
    Thành viên chính thức haomobifuns's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    flash bằng hwk bao nhu vầy

    1st Boot: Ok, TIKU, UPP: 1052 [Rh-12] []
    2nd Boot: te_2nd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
    Fl0: 0x00000000-0x00FFFFFF,00EC22F8,Sam K8S2815ETA
    Fl1: 0x02000000-0x027FFFFF,00EC0039,Sam KEE00E00CM
    Algorithm: te_amd_b.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
    Algorithm Ok, MSID: 84C9FEAAECFEE66998A03E86B5
    Decoded MSID: B03FBAE9-005CBDA3-A9000000
    Encoded FAID: C79B8CEF-C6DCFEC0-88AAD5EB
    IMAGE: rh12_28_11005.500
    Area1: 0x00000000-0x0000FFFF Erased, Time: 00:00
    Area2: 0x00010000-0x007FFFFF Erased, Time: 01:36
    Area3: 0x00800000-0x0093FFFF Erased, Time: 00:16
    Area4: 0x00B60000-0x00FEFFFF Erased, Time: 00:56
    MCU Flashing Completed, Time: 00:51
    IMAGE: rh12_28_11005.50v
    Erasing: 0x00940000-0x00B3FFFF ...
    Erasing Error: 10, at: 0x00940000-0x0095FFFF, 940102, Time: 00:01
    Process Failed, Repowering Mobile

    nhưng chạy bang jaf thi ok hết. ai biet xin hướng dẫn. thanks!

  10. #9
    Thành viên chính thức haomobifuns's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    báo lổi con flash vay lam con flash nào? hay la lam con uem?

  11. #10
    Thành viên tích cực hoang khang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    chạy bằng jaf ok thì làm gì lỗi flash máy có thể bị ic nguồn hoặc cpu đó thôi

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