Phone Type:
MCU Flash file: E:\file lash nokia\1208 rh105\1208 RH-105_5.71\1208 RH-105_5.71\rh105_05.710
PPM Flash file: E:\file lash nokia\1208 rh105\1208 RH-105_5.71\1208 RH-105_5.71\rh105_05.71mr
CNT Flash file: E:\file lash nokia\1208 rh105\1208 RH-105_5.23\1208 RH-105_5.23\rh1050_nai5.23mr
ADSP Flash file: NONE
APE Variant file: NONE
APE User Flash file: NONE
MCU: E:\file lash nokia\1208 rh105\1208 RH-105_5.71\1208 RH-105_5.71\rh105_05.710
Booting phone...
MCU ID: 0x2292
BOOT file: D:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u3_2nd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Boot size is 0x09A8
Boot is ready...
FLASH ID0: 88720089 <=> INTEL -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1A 1B BE 0B E2 7D 58 6B E4 DB EE 65 14
Flash ID is 0x72888900
Flash loader is D:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u3_intel.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Loader size is 0x5548; Loader chk: d9
Loader is ready...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
MSID: 84CE92C9FD52F5D0C26C2E39C4
MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE900DAFD17A8000000
FAID: E6C980A0F3902CBA1DC41C43
Operation took 0 minutes 12 seconds...
Found 5 interval(s) to erase
Erasing area: 01000000 - 0100FFFF...
Erasing area: 01010000 - 013AFFFF...
Erasing area: 013B0000 - 013EFFFF...
Erasing area: 017C0000 - 017EFFFF...
Erasing area: 01FC0000 - 01FEFFFF...
Operation took 0 minutes 37 seconds...
Perm. Data Restore OK
Operation took 0 minutes 19 seconds...
Restarting MCU...
PPM: E:\file lash nokia\1208 rh105\1208 RH-105_5.71\1208 RH-105_5.71\rh105_05.71mr
Booting phone...
MCU ID: 0x2292
BOOT file: D:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u3_2nd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Boot size is 0x09A8
Boot is ready...
FLASH ID0: 88720089 <=> INTEL -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1A 1B BE 0B E2 7D 58 6B E4 DB EE 65 14
Flash ID is 0x72888900
Flash loader is D:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u3_intel.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Loader size is 0x5548; Loader chk: d9
Loader is ready...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
MSID: 84CE92C9FD52F5D0C26C2E39C4
MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE900DAFD17A8000000
FAID: E6C980A0F3902CBA1DC41C43
Operation took 0 minutes 8 seconds...
Erasing PPM...
Found 2 interval(s) to erase
Erasing area: 01240000 - 0124FFFF...
Erasing area: 01250000 - 0137FFFF...
Operation took 0 minutes 12 seconds...
Perm. Data Restore OK
Operation took 0 minutes 10 seconds...
Restarting MCU...
CNT: E:\file lash nokia\1208 rh105\1208 RH-105_5.23\1208 RH-105_5.23\rh1050_nai5.23mr
Booting phone...
MCU ID: 0x2292
BOOT file: D:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u3_2nd.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Boot size is 0x09A8
Boot is ready...
FLASH ID0: 88720089 <=> INTEL -> Type not in database Addr0: 0x01000000 - 0x01FFFFFF, SectorSize0: 10
FLASH ID1: 00010000 <=> Flash -> not used Addr1: 0x02000000 - 0x02FFFFFF, SectorSize1: 0
First 16 bytes: AD 7E B6 1A 1B BE 0B E2 7D 58 6B E4 DB EE 65 14
Flash ID is 0x72888900
Flash loader is D:\Program Files\ODEON\JAF\Flash\u3_intel.fia
Loader version: 04.46.01 -> Revision: 0007
Loader size is 0x5548; Loader chk: d9
Loader is ready...
P-key nokia module version 01.02
MSID: 84EA3D5F53F6903D83E9B410FC
MSID decoded: 3E4EBAE900DAFD17A9000000
Operation took 0 minutes 8 seconds...
Erasing Content Pack...
Found 1 interval(s) to erase
Erasing area: 01380000 - 013AFFFF...
Operation took 0 minutes 2 seconds...
Perm. Data Restore OK
Operation took 0 minutes 1 seconds...
Restarting MCU...
Operation took 0 minutes 1 seconds...
Flashing Done!
Operation took 1 minutes 54 seconds...
After flash processing...
Waiting for phone to boot...
Failed! Aborting!
em mới nhận con này bị chạm nguồn em đã thay ic nguồn và gửi log cho nó rùi nhưng chạy lại hoài mà hok được các pác xem bị lỗi gì ko chỉ giúp em với . em cảm ơn nhiều![]()