Code:Searching phone;Phone detected (@oem215.inf,%mtk_preloader%;PreLoader USB VCOM Port) Preparing to start meta mode; Searching for debug port; (be sure drivers from support were installed) Debug Port found on Android Gadget VCOM Driver (COM57); Preparing to connect meta mode; Meta mode entered; Baseband Chip: MT6573, E00 Sw version: MAUI.11AMD.W11.37.SP.V3.F1 Hw Version: ZTENJ73_HW Reading phone info; IMEI: 862031-01-029235-9 Reading simlock info; Locked to: 505-01 code_cat_n: 12345678 enabled: yes tries: 0 code_cat_ns: 56781234 enabled: no tries: 10 code_cat_sp: 11112222 enabled: no tries: 10 code_cat_c: 33334444 enabled: no tries: 10 code_cat_sim: 55556666 enabled: no tries: 10 code_cat_ns_sp: 77778888 enabled: no tries: 10 code_cat_sim_c: 99990000 enabled: no tries: 10 Time needed - 00:02:04