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    Thành viên danh dự TuấnPhát_GSM's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2009
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    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 452 Times in 322 Posts

    Thumbs up SL3 Unlock for all Genie Users Released !!!!

    Genie-Universal SL3 Unlock released!!!

    Finally it´s done, Genie-Universal goes SL3 now !!

    We now bring the opportunity for all Genie users to get SL3 phones unlocked with the New Update.

    How does it work?

    You need latest Remote-Tools Version from download section
    and a Genie-Universal Server Account with at least 249 credits.
    Simply connect your Genie-Universal to PC USB Port, enter your Username/Password
    and press button "SL3 Request". Phone Informations will be read from phone and
    submited to the Server. After that you just need to wait for the code to be calculated.
    You can check the status of your code calculation by pressing the "SL3 STATUS" Button.
    Once your code-calcution started you will see the progress in percent, if there is
    another calculation running already, you will see "idle" message.

    Turnaround time for Codes:

    Turnarround time depends how busy the Server is, could be done within few hours,
    but could also take up to few days in case there are many requests pending.

    249 Credits = 1 SL3 Unlock
    1 SL3 Unlock = 55 UnlockByLogs credits (55 Euros)

    Currently supported SL3 Models:

    - N97
    - N97 mini
    - 5310
    - 6303
    - 3600
    - 5130
    - 6500s
    - etc.

    PS: If you don´t like it, simply don't use it!!!
    Last edited by TuấnPhát_GSM; 16-03-2010 at 09:15.

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