don't post private messages, they are PRIVATE for a reason
So, without any further adu, I bring to you the world famous...White Widow
This rom is built from CyanogenMod 5.0.8 source compiled with Darchstars vendor tree.
Download White Widow 4.6
Be sure to grab the new google-apps-etcv3.zip from below.
Change the number of columns and rows on the homescreen
New bootanimation
New default wallpaper
More user removable apps-Look under Settings>Manage Applications
Overclock to 864Mhz with my kernel
Apps2SD by Cyanogen (Enable under Settings>Applications)
ADW and SpareParts settings built integrated into the settings menu
Multitouch Maps and Browser
Softkey Lights
Working Wifi
Working MMS with Stock Messenger! (Conap and Dec3dance)
Working GPS
360 Degree Rotation
Backup and Restore desktop configuration in ADW
Change notification colors in SpareParts
Metamorph Capable
Rotary Locksceen
Wifi Tether
JIT disabled by default. To enable, flash one of the patches pushed to your SD card during installation.