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  1. #1
    Product Manager Hoang Thong Mobile's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2006
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    Mặc định HWK Release 23/05/2008 - Discussion

    Release Date: 23/05/2008

    The Official release is ready in our download area http://sarunasoftware.com.

    Since this is a MINOR release there is NO need to update your HWK, there is also NO need to remove HWK Suite v2.0.7.x

    WARNING !!!
    If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

    UFS_DCTxBB5 v2.0.7.2

    1. New DCT4+ versions support:
    1200b(RH-100 v5.06)2600c(RM-340 v561)

    Do not use external VPP adapter with RX2 enabled cables, since this will put VPP direct to RX2 and its possible to KILL the phone.

    SAMs V

    B100,B108,B200,B300,S710i added (DUNL,IM,FL)
    B100,U600,U600B MSL Repair introduced.
    added (DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
    E747.F250,F258,J700 added (DUNL,FL,SECT)
    Chinese FOTA products E838, J708 flashing.
    Added sectors count for RAW NAND read.
    Product filter added.

    SeDBx v2.0.7.2

    1. USB Flashing introduced.
    2. CID53 Support for DB2020 and PNX5230 platforms.
    3. CID Upgrade introduced.
    4. FS Upgrade files flashing. (FSUPG)
    5. GDFS Info now Displays User Lock code for DB2012 models also.

    USB Drivers are installed to X:\Program Files\SarasSoft\UFS\SeDBx\USBFlashDriver

    SeDBx Quick Guide has been updated.

    Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!

    Welcome to : www.saigonmobile.vn

    SỐ 697 - 699 ĐƯỜNG 3 THÁNG 2 - P.6 -Q.10 TP.HCM
    ĐT/FAX : 083.9572152 - 08.38575707 - 0903.303.717
    Email : saigonmobile@gmail.com
    Skype : saigonmobile
    YM : saigonmobile_vn
    MSN : saigonmobile@hotmail.com

  2. ( Hoang Thong Mobile ) đã được 2 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    huymobiles (10-06-2008), k1_gsm (24-05-2008)

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