em cài tới bước update box thì bị lỗi
App: UFSx (HWK) Control Panel v by SarasSoft
CPU: GenuineIntel
Platform: Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600 Service Pack 3)
Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files\Common Files
Nokia Path not Found, Set to: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs
Last Server Update: 2014/12/18
Active Panel Version:
App: UFSx (HWK) Control Panel v by SarasSoft
Ftd: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
Box: 1 Location: 785 Serial: 102031
Boot Id: 62 CF
Box Login Failed
Failed: -102
HID Number Corrupted, Try to Use [Update Box]
Box: 1 Location: 785 Serial: 102031
Boot Id: 62 CF
Box Login Failed
Fatal LOGIN Error, Need Repair Box, Contact Distributor
ai từng bị qua lỗi này rồi giúp e với. cài 2 ngày rồi mà hok dc