Infinity-Box 15 Feb 2012: Zonda-TF350, Cordless-Phone-FC8050 models updated .Zonda-TF350 model supported - special flash files uploaded in support area
.Cordless-Phone-FC8050 model under test
.Alcatel-223 operations improved
.Alcatel-355D operations improved
.firmware database updated

If you will have any comments or problems with unlock process - contact to support for detailed instruction.

NOTE: this update can be used with smart-cards that is not expired. How to renew expired Infinity-Box smart-card

Dear Friends and Testers !

If you will have any comments or problems with unlock process - contact to support for detailed instruction.

Discussion here 15 Feb 2012: Zonda-TF350, Cordless-Phone-FC8050 models updated

Infinity-Box 8 (eight) years (2005 - 2012) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

Online software activation system (based on Infinity-Credits) launched