Complete Infinity-Box Installation package v2.11 released.
All mirrors updated, you are welcom to download and install it.
Installation package contain: latest "Shell" with updated pinouts information, latest "Dongle Manager" with connection improvements, all Modules with latest updates included.
Attention: before uninstall old version please move all eeprom/flash backup files from folders with Modules to safe place to avoid lost data !
InfinitySetupMain_v2.11a contain the next modules:
1. AModule v1.26
2. Bird01 v1.12
3. Bird02 v1.06
4. BModule v1.28
5. Calculator v1.00
6. ChineseMiracle v2.07
7. ClientSE v1.06
8. HModule v1.08
9. KModule v1.02
10. LGA v1.22
11. MModule v1.70
12. Moto01 v1.43
13. Moto03 v1.08
14. OTE-Reader v1.00
15. Pana01 v1.33
16. Pana02 v1.15
17. Pana04 v1.07
18. Pana06 v1.05
19. PanaCleaner v1.05
20. Pinout v1.22
21. PModule v1.07
22. PModule02 v1.10
23. PNModule v1.06
24. PNModuleH v1.00
25. QCModule v1.18
26. QModule v2.21
27. RepairModule v1.12
28. Samsung01 v1.05
29. Siem02 v1.01
30. SModule v1.21
31. TModule v1.04
32. VkMob01 v1.23
33. VkMobile02 v1.09
34. VkMobile03 v1.00
35. VkWhat3E v1.2.5.4
36. VModule v1.30
37. Shell v1.19
38. DongleManager v1.19
Current list of supported models:
Aiko: 17G, 51G, 52G
Airam: M342
Airness: Air99, MK99
Airtel: Cordless_FGD8900
AK-Mobile: AK760i
Alcatel: E15x_16x_25x, OT152
Amstrad: S288
Anycall: 1689, 2619, i718, i738, other
Anycool: D1200, D1210, D66, D66+, other
AOTE: F9+, other
Asus: V66, V75, V80
Audiovox: GPRS748, GSM609
AUX-Mobile: M780, M855, M868, Z33, other
Avivo: 1950g, 1960g
BenQ-Siemens: A38, A500, C71A, CF61, CL71, E61, EF51, EF61, EF71, M100, M220, M300, M305, M315, M350, M580, S700, S80, S82, S88, SFG75, Z2
Bird: D611, D612, D630, D650, D660, D670, D706, D716, D720, D730, D736, S1120, S1180C, S1186, S198, S199, S288, S299, S570, S688, S699, S788, V09, V10, other
Blacklable: VVV363, other
BLCOM: V8, other
Bleu: 251s, 251x, 550x, 551x, 651x, 651Z
Bluetooth: 2600, 2640, 337, 339, 349, 526, 536, 626, 6688, 6888, 6889, 808, 888, 8928, 998, 999, A20P, C800, C8000, C8800, C92, C98, E70, E78, G366, G368, K320, K328, K400, K440, LV918, N77, N78, N79, N79C, N82, N83, N8600, N91, N95, N97, V648, Y690, other
BMW: A8, other
Camry: V138, other
Cect: 2000, 3360, 505, 6300R, 6600, 668, 688C, 688i, 689C, 689i, 808, 8100, 8110+, 838+, 8380, 8380-PDA, 858, 860, 8800, 888+, 9988, A1600, A1800, A520, A606, A666, B8, C2000, C3000, C3000c, C600, C6111, C8000, C8200, C8220, C827, C828, C829, C8400, C8600, C9900, D120, D122, D240, D242, D900, E591, E680, E680i, E808, E818, G928, I530, i658, i70, K328, K808, K86, L2000+, L2200+, LV918, M1818, M1818-PDA, M530, M8600, M901, N1000, N168, N1818, N518, N528, N538, N548, N6500, N6500+, N73, N73i, N788, N81, N82, N84, N85, N87, N95, N95-PDA, N98, O2R, P168, P8100, P8100+, P8300, P9100, Q300, Q300A, Q300C, Q302, Q306, Q380, Q500, Q500-2sim, Q600, Q610, Q618, Q618-2sim-PDA, Q800, Q86, S500, S500-O2S, S500-PDA, S500-PDA-02Mini-3D-Sound, S510, S560, S560-MPEG5, S588, S800+, T410, T520, T590, T6688+, T688i, T688i-2sim, T688-PDA, T689, T718, T888, U880, U8800, U8810, U90, V180, V3, V4, V400, V480, V490, V5, V6, V668, V68, V69, V7, V8, V8008, V9, V90, V909, V919, V92, V929, Y809, other
Chinese-Motorola: 400, A1200, A606, K1, L7+, V230, V3, V33, V333, V336, V666, other
Chinese-Nec: 1000i, N150, N158, N880i, other
Chinese-Nokia: 3230, 3230C, 3250, 3280, 3680, 5200, 5310, 5700, 5700+, 5710, 5720, 6118, 6128, 6131i, 6200, 6275, 6276, 6280, 6280i, 6288, 6288-PDA, 6300, 6300C, 6300i, 6300-Q7, 6300r, 6300y, 6500, 6500+, 6621, 6680, 6681, 6700i, 6708, 6808, 7260, 7380, 7390, 8030, 8030-2sim, 8800, 8800+, 8800A, 8800i, 8800S, 8800-Sirocco, 8830, 9900, C92, C93, E60, E60i, E60-PDA, E89, E95, HT508, M5700+, M77, N1000, N151, N153, N157, N177, N203, N203i, N204, N204i, N207, N207i, N288, N290, N303, N321, N39, N4, N50, N52, N52i, N54, N55, N56, N57, N57i, N57i-2sim, N600, N606, N608, N616, N618, N6500, N658, N66, N66-2sim, N666i, N668, N66C, N66i, N67, N67i, N68, N688, N688i, N7, N70, N70C, N70DK, N70i, N72, N72i, N73, N730, N73-2sim, N73C, N73C-2sim, N73D, N73G, N73i, N73L, N73-music-edition, N73-PDA, N75, N77, N777, N777i, N77i, N78, N78-2sim, N788, N78s, N79, N7i, N80, N800, N81, N82, N82_20pin, N8201, N82i, N83, N83c, N83i, N84, N84i, N85, N85i, N86, N86i, N87, N87c, N87i, N88, N8800, N8800L, N888, N8888, N88A, N88c, N88i, N88s, N89, N9, N90, N900, N900i-2sim, N903, N903i, N905, N905i, N90i, N90s, N91, N91A, N91i, N91i-TV, N92, N920i-2sim, N922i-2sim, N927i-2sim, N92G, N92i, N9-2sim, N93i, N93i-2sim, N93i-TV, N94, N94i, N94s, N95, N95+, N95-2sim, N95C, N95i, N95i-2sim-music-edition, N95i-slider, N95i-TV, N95-PDA, N95s, N95S-2sim, N95-slider, N95-TV, N96, N96i, N96i-2sim, N96-PDA, N97i, N98, N98G, N98i, N98i-TV, N98K, N99, N990, N99-2sim, N99B, N99i, N99N, O3-838, Q7, Q7+, S89, T57, T58, T98, TV5, TV7, V23, V230, V25, V27, V8800, V95, V96, V98, Veptu, Vertu, VT1300, VT9, other
Chinese-Other: 2GSM, 338, 3GSM, 808, 818, 828, 829, 838+, 9900, A203, A20P, A2198, A308, A380, A68, A706, A818, A900, A930+, A950, A968, B889, C600, Ferrari, Gionee, K188, K3288, K588, K589, K808, K915, K916, L7, L8000, L8080, L999, LV918, MK168, MStar, N100, P990, PDA-328, PDA-6688, PDA-W726, S760+, S760TV, S780+, S808, T158, TV12, TV628, TV9, V168, V333, V628, V668, V800, V807, V808, V9, VS400, W726, W726-PDA, W726-PDA-2sim, Y690, YZ09, ZH6688, ZS89, ZT320, ZT321, other
Chinese-PDA: D328, V13, other
Chinese-Pocket-PC: 1688-2sim, N77, other
Chinese-Samsung: A838, D500i, D520i, D600i, D800, D820, D828, D860i, D900, D958, E680, E700, E708, E708+, E712D, E730, E730+, E730C, E738, E760i, E900, i788, i888, Q101, X180, X810, X810+, other
Chinese-Sharp: P810, other
Chinese-Sony-Ericsson: K288, K750, K750C, K750i, K758, K790i, K800, K800i, K808, K809, M61, P800, P990i, V666, V700, W610i, W660, W700, W800, W800i, W880i, other
Chinese-Vertu: LY-8088, Royal, Royal-R1, V1, other
Chiva: LM718, ST319, UK598, other
Cosun: 289, 512, 8266, C512, N73i, other
Cyber-Shot: E860, other
Daewoo: D600, other
DBTel: J6
Dirland: E307, P708
Dubao: 728, 758, 777, other
DVD: S618, other
Easycall: 6600, other
Elitek: GT101YN, other
Elson: E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900
Emblaze: Sting6, Touch7
Enteos: i-BD620
Everfo: E32, E591, E711D, E713D, E730, E863, E866, E911, E912, E927, E941, other
Ezio: E300, E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900, other
Fly: 2040, 2040i, 2060, 2080, B600, FT10, M100, MP220, MP300, MP400, MP500, MP600, MX200, MX200i, MX230, MX300, MX330, SL100, SL200, SL300m, SL400m, SL500i, SL500m, SL600, SL600-Vodafone, SLT100, SX210, SX240, SX300, SX305, SX310, V40, V50, X3, X7, Z200, Z300, Z300a, Z400, Z500
FUN: N73, other
Gaoxinqi: A818, other
GeneralMobile: DST01, DST10, DST11, other
GEO: G1, GV500, Gv880
Getek: TK806, other
Gionee: A830, other
G-net: G409-mini, other
Gradiente: GC300, GF500, GF760, GF910, GF910i, GF930, GF930i, GF950, GF970, Vibe
G-Star: 618, G2, G6, G851, GM108, GM128, GM208, GM209, GM238, GM308, GM318, GM328, GM329, GM338, GM508, GM528, GM608, GM618, GM618-Slim, GM809, GM851, GM896, GM896M, other
GT-Mobile: 1268, 1400, 450, TV100, other
Haier: Z1000
Hantel: D1838, other
Holleycomm: H3101, H3260, H3270, other
Huawei: C2205, C2285
Huayu: K888, other
Hutch: Usha-Laxus
Hyundai: H350, L480, MP318, MP510, MP718, MP728, MP738
I-Mobile: 100, 301, 306, 308, 313, 508, 510, 511, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 608, 609, 609i, 610, 611, 901, 902, BlackIce, other
Infinity: 5800-2sim, Q500, S380, other
ITel: IT600, other
i-TV: V10, other
Kaiqi: N107, other
Kejian: K508, M680, other
Kenuo: KN-A75D, KN-D8, other
Kifung: S108, other
Kingpo: E302, other
Kinlong: K228i, K288+, other
KLoong: A913, E714, E718, other
KN-Mobile: KN200, KN300, KN310, KN400, KN500
Konka: A26M, C636, C926, C966, D163, D225, EC001, M910
KTech: 8020, 8030, N8899, other
KTouch: A650, B718, B922, B923, B938, other
Leady: GT6107, X501, other
Lenovo: E300, E307, P708, P710, V707
LG: B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, C1100, C1150, C2200, C2500, C2600, C3300, C3320, C3400, G1800, KG110, KG120, KG130, KG190, KG195, KG200, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG288, KG290, KG300, KG320, KG370, KG375, KP200, KP202, L342i, L343i, MG101, MG110, MG120, MG160, MG161, MG225, MG230, MG280, MG320
Life: DST01
Lion: 7, other
LUNA: 8600, other
Luxury: G851, other
Malata: Lopp-P07, M696, other
Maximus: EX60, other
Medion: 2860, MD-95100
Motorola: C113(a), C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C119, C121, C122, C123, C136, C138, C139, C140, C141c, C155, C156, C157, C168, C168i, C257, C261, E365, F3, V170, V171, V172, V173, V175, V176, V177, V690, V872, V878, W150, W150i, W170, W170C, W200, W205, W208, W209, W210, W218, W220, W355, W370, W375
MP4: 2000, 6188, O2-mini, O2R, O2S, O2S-Dopod, PDA-K18, other
MPEG4: 2000, 3000, 3200, 3210, 3300, 3320, 4000, 4100, A968, K1, other
MTV: N73, other
My_Way: MW100
Narnia: 8088, V6, other
Nckia: E95, M5700, M5700+, other
Nec: E101, E121, E122, N200, N208, N342i, N343i, N344i, N650i, N910, N916, N917, N919
Nerys: N330
NewGen: C1000, C610, C620, C710, C800, E1000, E1100, E1200, Mars, S410, T1000
Nex: Mini, other
Noca: T856, T856-W88-PDA, other
Nokia: 1255
Nokla: E90, N73-PDA, N77, N95, N95-2sim, other
O2: Jet(J1), O2X1B, O2X1I, O2X2i, O2X3, O2X4, O2X7, O2XLI
O3: 818, 838, other
Omnipotence: Micky, other
Orange: TR1
Panasonic: A100, A101, A102, A200, A210, A500, G50, G51E, G51M, G60, G70, GD55, GD67, GD68, MX6, MX7, SA6, SA7, SC3, VS2, VS3, VS6, VS7, X100, X200, X300, X400, X500, X60, X66, X68, X70, X700, X701, X77
Pantech: C120, C3, G3900, G800, G900, GB300, PG-1000, PG-1200, PG-1210, PG-1400, PG-1410, PG-1500, PG-3000, PG-3200, PG-3210, PG-3500, PG-3600, PG-6100, PG-C300, PN210
Philips: 290, 390, 568, 768, 960, S200, S220, S660, S800, S880, S890
PierreCardin: GM118, other
Porsche: Cayenne, other
RedStar: 902-TV, other
Rex: P990, other
Sambao: N95, other
Samsung: C140, C140i, C260, C260M, C266, C300, E900, X120, X140
Sands: A203, A209, A303, A303i, P908, other
Sanxing: E415, E70, E78, V52, other
Sanyo: S750
Schauen: N16, other
SED: 838+, 950, AK606, B908, S1000, V628, V630, V638, V639, X688, X688-2sim, X689, X716, X827, X941, Y690, other
Siemens: AP75, CFX65, CL75, SFG75, ST55, ST60
Simoco: SM377, other
Sitronics: SM8190, SM8290
SkyMIX: 100, other
Skyzen: EZ300, EZ400, EZ500, EZ600, EZ800
Smarj: S70, other
Smart: G831, G850, V555, V800, other
Song: A168, other
Sony-Ericsson: J100(i), J110i, J120i, K200i, K220i, K310, K320, K510, K550, K60x, K610, K618, K750, K758, K790, K800, K810, S500, V600, V630, W200, W300, W550, W580, W600, W610, W660, W700, W710, W800, W810, W830, W850, W880, W888, W900, Z310, Z520, Z525, Z530, Z550, Z558, Z610, Z710
Soon-Ersson: K530i, other
Spice: D88, S400, S404, S404N, S410, S450, S5, S500, S530, S535, S540, S545, S555, S600, S640, S8, S800, S900, S920
Sprint: 7700, other
Sucee-Tong: 998, other
Sunforce: K600, K600i, K800, K800i, other
Suny-ericssom: Cyber-shot-P999, other
Swatch: M300, other
Swatch-Mobile: M300, other
TCL: 3188+, 3188M, 3188U, 718, 728, 738, D659, E330, GQ05, M361, M388, M530, M580, M586, M819, Q510, Q515, Q550, T106, T108, T550, T558, T766, T939, U58, U80, V18, V6, other
Tecno: D100, M280, ST600, T600, T800, V410, V500, V801, X200, X200i, X210, other
Telsda: 319, 319+, 349, T915, TS617, TS627, TS637, other
Tevion: MD96110
Thomson: TH102, TN320, TN710
Tianyu: A699, S655, other
Toshiba: TS10, TS30, TS608
Trend: T100, T181, T200, other
UCOO: U38, other
Usha: Laxus
UTstarcom: GPRS748, GPRS758, GPRS778, GPRS779, GSM708, GSM718, GSM719
Veptu: 8088, other
Virgin_Lobster: Lobster-485, Lobster-544, Lobster-575, MicroSnapper
Vitel: TSM1, TSM2, TSM3, TSM4, TSM5m, TSM6
VK-Mobile: VG207, VK200, VK200_unlock, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK207i, VK3100, VK4000, VK4500, VK500, VK518, VK520, VK530, VK540, VK550, VK560, VK570, VK580, VK700, VK800, VK900
Voxtel: 3iD, BD50, BD60, RX11, RX600, RX800, V350, V500, VS600, VS800
XED: X689, other
Xingtai: 338, other
XTelecom: X3128, other
Xunchi: 138, other
Zetta: A10
Zonda: G1840, G1860, G1880
ZT: 2688, 303, 321, 326, 6618, 6668, N6168, other
ZTC: 168, 169, 268, 588, 6588, 660, 6618, 6628, 663, 6688, A168, A231, A281, A287, A5, A818, A838, A990, D1100, D1110, D1112, D1117, D1120, D1200, D828, DC818, E550, F1, H18, H668, H688, IP9300, K600, LV918, M608, M618, N328, N328-blueteech, N329, N38, N39, P8500, S508, S508+, T518, T88, ZT009, ZT018, ZT019, ZT11, ZT1588, ZT1598, ZT160, ZT168, ZT169, ZT199, ZT2688, ZT303, ZT321, ZT321-6226, ZT321-6228, ZT325, ZT326, ZT508, ZT528, ZT5680, ZT5688, ZT580, ZT588, ZT588+, ZT6588, ZT6618, ZT6618-PDA, ZT6628, ZT666, ZT6668, ZT668, ZT6688, ZT6698, ZT6699, ZT678, ZT8008, ZT8088, ZT8089, ZT8380, ZT8828, ZT8828+, ZT8886, ZT8898, ZT89, ZT890, ZT898, ZT918, ZT988, ZT999, ZTN329, ZTS508, other
ZTE: 201, 2010, 202, 203, 204, 225, 7310, 7610, A12+, A15, A35, A37, A39, A80, WP626