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  1. #1
    Hỗ Trợ Kĩ Thuật HoangThong_hotrokythuat4's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2009
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    Thanked 362 Times in 188 Posts

    Mặc định 01 Dec 2009: "ChineseMircale" v3.01 released

    01 Dec 2009: "ChineseMircale" v3.01 released:

    security area repair improved (27 new firmwares supported)
    Repair blocked phones" option added (special option for India)
    new firmware types supported (firmware w/internal bootloader)
    firmware database updated
    new flash files uploaded in support area

    With this software release it is no need to manually write IMEI in the software.
    Software automatically generate/calculates Valid IMEI using checksum and
    writes it to phone, just need to Click "Repair blocked phone" button.

    Please, post your test reports and comments.
    If you will see that you need to add some more features, please, post
    your ideas and we will try to add more useful features

  2. #2
    Technical Assistance GIALAI_GSM's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2009
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    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 1,159 Times in 713 Posts

    Mặc định c300 cần giứp đỡ

    em mới nhận cây c3000 bị mất sóng nó báo khẩn cấp cần anh em giuúp đỡ
    mobile services
    NHƯ HẠ
    129 Hùng Vương KrôngPa Gia Lai
    yahoo: gialai_gsm

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