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  1. #131
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Chinese Miracle-2 (Release) MTK/MediaTek v1.10 released

    MediaTek SP Platform:
    MTK6572/MTK6582 Secure Phones support
    - Identify/Read Info
    - Read/Write Flash
    - Format FS
    - Read PatternLock (No USB Debug, No Root, No Modify System and harm User-Level security)
    Mostly Secure phones - Huawei Android phones (Huawei Y330, Huawei G610 etc) and other brands

    Read Factory Firmware (Scatter - format) improved
    - Universal way for most Chinese Brands/Models is work now
    - MT83xx (Tablet specific) improvements
    - Improved Alcatel, HTC, ZTE, Huawei and other brands support (Model/Brand specific-types)

    Some bugfixes from previous update (SP Flash, SP FW Read)
    Compile Info extraction improved
    Repair Security improved
    FlashID database updated
    NAND support improved

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
    - Follow us on Twitter
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  2. #132
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.12 released

    MediaTek SP Platform
    - NAND: Pattern Lock reading activated for MT6571, MT6572
    No need Root, No need USB Debug, No need modify system files, No warranty lost
    - Privacy Lock reset improved: NAND fixes, MT6582 support activated
    - Factory Firmware Reading improved
    - NVRAM operations improved:
    Support ifnv and any binary backup (plain)
    Secure phones support improved
    - FlashUpdate package updated to latest

    - NAND/eMMC init improved
    - Format FS revised
    - FlashID database updated

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
    - Follow us on Twitter
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  3. #133
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    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.13 - MTK Android Scatter Flashing

    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.13 released

    MTK Android Scatter Flashing

    - Activated Scatter-Defined Flashing Support
    Supported Models: eMMC-based MT6571, MT6572, MT6582
    Supported conditions: Empty Board/Erased Flash etc.
    Supported modes: Flash, Flash + Erase (Safe), Flash + Erase (Safe) + Verify, Flash + Verify
    Support full check: HW initial check, eMMC compatibility check (not allow kill phone by wrong fw)
    Alcatel Original Scatter Flashing supported

    Flash Init activated for MT6582 (erased phones supported)
    NAND operations improved
    Flash ID database updated
    Factory FW read improved
    PatternLock read improved

    Supported only Factory Scatter Files and Scatter files made by CM2 module
    Other box/tools files is not supported (due garbage/wrong files and data) but anyway can be flashed

    Official download link: Index of pub//software/updates/

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
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  4. #134
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.13 - MTK Android Scatter Flashing

    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.13 released

    MTK Android Scatter Flashing

    - Activated Scatter-Defined Flashing Support
    Supported Models: eMMC-based MT6571, MT6572, MT6582
    Supported conditions: Empty Board/Erased Flash etc.
    Supported modes: Flash, Flash + Erase (Safe), Flash + Erase (Safe) + Verify, Flash + Verify
    Support full check: HW initial check, eMMC compatibility check (not allow kill phone by wrong fw)
    Alcatel Original Scatter Flashing supported

    Flash Init activated for MT6582 (erased phones supported)
    NAND operations improved
    Flash ID database updated
    Factory FW read improved
    PatternLock read improved

    Supported only Factory Scatter Files and Scatter files made by CM2 module
    Other box/tools files is not supported (due garbage/wrong files and data) but anyway can be flashed

    Official download link: Index of pub//software/updates/

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
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  5. #135
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.14 released
    MTK Nokia 215 Support

    - Activated Nokia 215 support
    Supported Revision: RM-1110, RM-1111, RM-1112
    Supported Operations: Read Info, Format FS

    Flash ID database updated
    Factory FW read improved
    FlashUpdate packaged updated

    Nokia MTK phones require Nokia Serial driver (download it from Support Area)

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
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  6. #136
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.15 released - SP-Unlock feature enabled and more

    MediaTek SP Platform
    New feature supported: SP Unlock
    Supported models:
    Megafon-Login+ [MT6582]: Direct Unlock
    Megafon-Login2 [MT6572]: Read Unlock Codes
    Huawei-Y330-U01 [MT6572]: Read Unlock Codes
    No ADB, Root etc required, more models will follow.

    Factory FW read improved (auto detect unknown types in most cases now)
    Factory FW (Scatter-Defined) Flashing improved
    PatternLock read improved (wrong pattern in some cases was shown)
    Repair Security Improved

    FlashID database updated
    Some bugfixes and improvements

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
    - Follow us on Twitter
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  7. #137
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.16 - MT8127 support and more

    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.16 released - MT8127 support and more features

    MediaTek SP Platform
    - MT8127 Full Support ( World First! )
    1. Identify / Read full Info
    2. Read Dump / Write Dump
    3. Read Factory Firmware w/o Root/Debug/ADB
    4. Flash Factory Firmware
    5. Format FS (UDA/CACHE)
    6. Read Pattern Lock w/o Root/Debug/ADB
    7. Reset Privacy Lock
    8. Fix DL

    - Factory FW Reading improved
    1. MT8127 supported
    2. MT6592 support improved
    CPU supported now for Factory FW reading: MT6571, MT6572, MT6582, MT6589, MT6592, MT8127
    NO Root/ADB/Debug required for read Firmware

    - MTK Flash Engine rewritten:
    1. MT8127 Support, MT6572 and MT6582 support improved
    2. Flash Pre-erase revised
    3. Force Repartition option enabled
    4. Flashing speed improved
    5. AfterFlash Verify revised
    6. PL SW/HW check improved
    7. Support MT6571 ScatterV2
    CPU supported now for Factory FW flashing: MT6571, MT6572, MT6582, MT8127

    - SP Unlock operations improved
    HTC 210 - Read Codes/Direct Unlock
    Megafon Login 3 - Read Codes/Direct Unlock
    Megafon Optima - Read Codes/Direct Unlock
    Huawei G610 - Read Codes
    Alcatel 4018/4032/4035/6012 - Read Codes
    - MTK65xx Generic SP Code Reading activated (71|72|82|89|92 eMMC)
    Allow Read SP codes (All 7 levels) from MTK SP Phones. Wide range of different models supported.
    - MTK65xx Generic SP Direct Unlock activated (71|72|82|89|92 eMMC)
    Allow Direct Unlock MTK SP Phones. Wide range of different models supported.
    Unlock via Code Read or Direct Unlock DO NOT require Root/Debug/ADB

    - Other
    FlashUpdate Package updated (v1504/2015)
    "FIX DL" activated for MT6582
    Flash Init activated for MT8127 (Erased Preloader support)
    Pattern Lock reading improved
    1. NAND support improved - now supported most MT6571/MT6572 NAND
    2. MT8127 PatternLock Reading activated
    "Read Full Info" option activated for Flash (Dump) reading
    Fixed Info extraction delay after Dump reading
    Fixed CompileInfo extraction
    "Secure Boot" option removed from Model List. For Secured Huawei MTK use correct Model Selection!

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
    - Follow us on Twitter
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  8. #138
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.17 released - Alcatel, HTC and new extra features

    MediaTek SP Platform

    - MTK Flash Engine:
    1. Flashing with "Flash Erase" and "Repartition" work now like "Download Only" mode
    2. Some other improvements
    CPU supported now for Factory FW flashing: MT6571, MT6572, MT6582, MT8127, eMMC only

    - SP Unlock operations improved
    HTC 310 (Read Codes)
    HTC 616 (Read Codes)
    HTC 620G (Read Codes)
    Alcatel 5038 (Direct Unlock)
    Alcatel P310 (Direct Unlock)
    MT6589 "SP Code Read" and "Direct unlock" revised
    MT6571/MT6572 NAND supported for "Read Codes"
    ADB/Root is not required

    - Factory FW reading improved
    HTC and Alcatel specific improvements

    - Service operations improved:
    HTC 310 support (SP Unlock / Read/Write Dump / Format FS / Read PatternLock) - HTC 310 model should be selected !
    New Feature: Alcatel ProInfo Tool: Read ProInfo, Write ProInfo, Edit ProInfo
    * Support for ProInfo write: Binary and Infinity format files
    New Feature: Flash Erase - for expert use only !
    * Support MT6571, MT6572, MT6582, MT6589, MT8127, only eMMC supported
    New Feature: Fix Unknown BaseBand - for expert use only !
    * Support MT6571, MT6572, MT6582, MT6589, NAND/eMMC supported
    New Feature: Init Preloader - for expert use only !
    * Support MT6571, MT6572, MT6582, MT8127, MT6589, only eMMC supported

    MediaTek FP Platform

    - MTK 652A/MT6260/MT6261 Read User Code activated (Reset option still exist)
    Read one and correct user code and it state (active or not)
    - MTK 652A/MT6260/MT6261 Read "Privacy Lock" and "Mobile Tracker" codes activated
    Read one and correct PL or MobileTrack code (or both if set)

    MediaTek All

    - Other
    FlashUpdate Package updated to latest (v1512/2015)
    FullFlash Read/Write revised for MT6572/MT6589
    MT6589 Support revised, FlashInit activated
    Secure Boot phones (MT6582, MT6589) support revised
    Improved CompileInfo extraction
    Security Repair improved
    Bugfixes and improvements

    Download here: Infinity-Box - Support

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
    - Follow us on Twitter
    - Facebook

  9. #139
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.19 - MediaTek 64Bit is ON! SPUnlock/FactoryFW/Service and more!

    MediaTek SP Platform
    - Flash Engine updated
    MediaTek MT6732 Flashing supported - World First!
    Mediatek MT6752/MT6753/MT8752 Flashing supported - World First!
    Mediatek MT6582, MT8127, MT6571 Flashing revised
    Some improvements and bugfixes
    CPU supported now for Factory FW flashing:
    MT6571, MT6572, MT6575, MT6577, MT6582, MT6589, eMMC only
    MT6732, MT6752, MT6753, MT8752, eMMC only
    MT8127, eMMC only

    - Factory FW reading improved
    MT6732 Factory FW reading supported. Result is Factory-like one! - World First!
    MT6572/MT6753/MT8752 Factory FW reading supported. Result is Factory-like one! - World First!
    No ADB, USB Debug, Root required
    MT6575 Factory FW reading improved
    Some other improvements for brand specific models for all supported platforms
    CPU supported now for Factory FW reading :
    MT6571, MT6572, MT6575, MT6577, MT6582, MT6589, MT6592, eMMC only
    MT6732, MT6752, MT6753, MT8752, eMMC only
    MT8127, eMMC only

    - Service Operations improved
    NVRAM operations revised for all supported platforms
    Format FS revised for all supported platforms
    - World First MT6732/MT6572/MT6753/MT8752 features:
    Full Flash ( DUMP ) Read/Write supported
    Safe Format FS supported ( UDA/Cache )
    Repair Security supported
    Identify/Read info supported ( "All info" feature also supported )
    Reset Privacy Lock support ( Under test )
    Fix DL supported
    Read/Write NVRAM operations supported
    Flash Erase supported
    Fix Unknown BaseBand supported

    - Unlock Operations improved
    MT6732: Generic "Read Codes" / "Direct Unlock" supported! - World First!
    MT6572/MT6753/MT8752 : Generic "Read Codes" / "Direct Unlock" supported! - World First!
    No Root, ADB, USB Debug required

    New Models supported for "Direct Unlock" / "Code Read":
    ZTE Blade A430 ( MT6732 )
    ZTE Fit 4G ( MT6732 )
    ZTE Blade Q Lux ( MT6732 )
    ZTE Beeline Pro ( MT6732 )

    - UserData Operations improved
    MT6572 NAND PatternLock reading improved
    PatternLock Reading activated for MT6573 and MT6575 NAND phones!
    No Root, ADB, USB Debug required
    PatternLock Reading activated for MT6732/MT6572/MT6753/MT8752 - World First!
    No Root, ADB, USB Debug required

    - Other
    Some Bugfixes and improvements at all
    Drivers updated

    Infinity-Box Dongle - information for Users and Resellers - GSM-Forum

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Infinity-Box Dongle ready for delivery

    - Follow us on Twitter
    - Facebook

  10. #140
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v1.21 - many improvements

    MediaTek SP Platform
    - Flash Engine updated
    MT6592 Flashing supported!
    MT6575/MT6577 Flashing improved
    Big ROM flashing improved
    Some improvements and bugfixes

    Supported CPU for Flash Writing:
    MT6575, MT6577 eMMC only
    MT6571, MT6572, MT6582, MT6589, MT6592, MT83xx eMMC only
    MT6732, MT6752, MT6753, MT8752 eMMC only
    MT8127 eMMC only

    - Factory FW reading improved
    MT6592 Factory FW reading improved
    Some HTC phones support improved (HTC 320, HTC 626, HTC 526)

    - Service Operations improved
    "InitPreloader" supported for MT6592
    "Fix Unknown BaseBand" supported for MT6592
    "DLFix" (DL Image Tool Fail error repair) supported for MT6592
    "Flash Erase" supported for MT6592
    NVRAM operations supported for MT6592
    "Format FS" (UDA + CACHE) supported for MT6592
    "Write Flash" (DUMP) supported for MT6592
    Alcatel "ProInfo Tool" activated for MT6592

    - Unlock Operations improved
    "Direct Unlock" operation supported for MT6592
    New models supported
    HTC 526G (MT6592)
    HTC 626G (MT6752)
    HTC 320 (MT6582)

    - UserData Operations improved
    Privacy (AntiTheft) Lock reset supported for MT6592
    Privacy (AntiTheft) Lock reset without UserData loose supported for MT6592

    - Other
    Android 5.x OS support for: PatternLock Read, Safe PrivacyLock reset, Full Identify
    Most fixes for 5.x is for speed-up operations
    No USB Debug, Root required

    DRAM Init improved: MT6592, MT6572, MT6732 supported
    CompileInfo extraction for DUMP Read/Write was broken, fixed
    Some Bugfixes and improvements at all

    Download: Infinity-Box - Support

    Infinity-Box Dongle - information for Users and Resellers - GSM-Forum

    Infinity-Box 10 (ten) years (2005 - 2015) non-stop regular updates and support as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service

    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Infinity-Box Dongle ready for delivery

    - Follow us on Twitter
    - Facebook

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