đây là log em nó
COM3 [VCP1] selected
module v3.56
Action: "sp-unlock"
unlock method: smart fast
Model: Viettel-V6202
Checking data, wait...
Phone should be Switched OFF !
Press and HOLD Power button now !
19200 autodetect
Initializing [6223:8A05:8A00]...
CPU: MT6223
chip: 0011:6DCC:000C
status: FF
Connecting at 19200, wait...
Release Power button now !
Phone detected, wait...
Hardware: MT6223,E05
Date: 2000.00.00
Version: 1.0
Version: VE-VN-VT9S-P109A17MV1.0.2B02
Version: ZTENJ23D_09A_HW
86 byte(s) read
imei: 35276104086689
connection Ok
192 byte(s) read
reading data...
reading data #2...
building new data...
writing data...
180 byte(s) read
reading data...
972 byte(s) read
building new data...
writing data...
verification Ok
Finished, time used: 14 sec
Remove/Install battery now !