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  1. #11
    V.I.P Hoang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    thêm 20euro cũng là cái giá hợp lý thôi mà, nó không tiếp tục support mới đáng ngại!!!
    eGSM Network ĐT: 0913285467 - 0988354567

  2. #12
    Thành viên chính thức TIẾN PHÁT's Avatar
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    Tình hình này phóng lao thì phải theo lao thôi>>>>người dùng thì lãnh đạn>>chán..

  3. #13
    Thành viên chính thức k8222503's Avatar
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    Mặc định hiiihihi.....

    Trích Được post bởi TIẾN PHÁT
    P-Key for JAF has been released for sale now. You can start ordering your P-Key from your reseller. The price is 20 euro but does not include shipping and local tax.

    To be able to order it for 20 EURO you must send with your order follow information to your reseller:

    1.) JAF serial number
    2.) Name of reseller
    3.) Date of purchase

    Users can not:

    - use 1 P-Key for 20 euro with a clone JAF
    - order P-Key update for one JAF serial from 2 or more resellers in same time
    - use 1 P-Key with 2 JAF boxes (every JAF box have only 1 P-Key dongle)
    - get P-Key update dongle in advantage witout providing old JAF serial number
    - get P-Key dongl in advantage witout payment confirmed with reseller or distributor or with us
    - get P-Key for a blacklisted box due cc or paypal fraud, missing payment or JAF cracking attept
    - get P-Key any more after 60 days from 5-th of may 2006, this mean users have 2 months to update their box to P-Key version
    *What is P-Key?

    P-Key is the new smart card based protection used for JAF.

    What have P-Key common with JAFWM?

    NOTING. P-Key is a dongle protection used by JAF team for 2 different products from JAF team. (jaf and jafwm). It is also NOT POSSIBLE for customers with JAFWM to update it to PKEY for JAF or vice versa.

    How much distributors purchase P-Key from producer and how much does it cost for the public?

    The price is 10 Euro/pcs P-Key and you should sell it please NOT higher than 20 EURO. Delivery costs and local taxes are not included in the prices mentioned above. Our all goal should be to keep the price as low as possible and to get this dongles in customers hand as fast as possible.

    Do I really need to buy P-Key for my JAF box?

    We do not force any one buy it, but every one should understand that also we have to improve our protection and this costs money for all of us. So, if you want also use your JAF with higher versions as 1.95 beta, you must buy it, if you are happy with your JAF box and all software versions released until version 1..95beta1, than you no need buy it.

    If you have additional questions, please use THIS THREAD to post about P-Key.

    Click on this link to download the manual: http://files.odeon.cn/manuals/JAF_Pkey_Upgrade.pdf
    Chơi nguyên con luôn

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