JAF Setup 1.98.63 ready

- improved N79, 5220, 6600s usb flashing
- added JAF Customer Care 0.77
- updated fbus loaders
- added support for other smart cards

Please uninstall ALL OLDER J.A.F. versions before run this new setup.

Some of you have this error "pkey not detected", one possible cause for this error is that you have the software JAF Customer Care started before JAF software. Another possible cause is that u still have some Zulea or Manole software on your pc. If u know that you have a genuine pkey and that is all okay with your pkey please close software JAF Customer Care and START FIRST the JAF Software 1.98.63, after this you can start JAF Customer Care 0.77 I will release a new version of JAF Customer Care at Monday and solve this problem. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.