Let's make this solution easier for everybody
( To all members if someone do not want to share his successful exprience with us he's not welcome ).
here is the links
Loader + All files
1. Connect the phone mode 'recovery (2 +5 + ignition) to lg download program
2. select 7 files and check erase efs than click on START
3. disconnect phone and connect again
4. reselect all 7 files and also MODULE and MEDIA than flash
thats all if network is down than :
reconnect phone uncheck all files and check NV and select the NV given in this link than flash.
1) Insert a Usim H3G
2) Attack USB cable (or charger)
3) Revenue in Menu> accessories> converter.
4) The phone automatically restart
5) Change the sim with one of your favorite operator, you have to be fast, about 10 seconds off between the battery and return.
tape 3646633 # 96 you'll get the calculator than push the left button than OK to enter menu .