* Flash/Unlock/Repair thành công bởi LGETOOL AE post ở đây *
* Flash/Unlock/Repair thành công bởi LGETOOL AE post ở đây *
GIALAI_GSM (07-07-2011), hoangdaika (05-12-2012), minhchienmobi (02-01-2012)
Code:Model: KM900 Connecting with KM900 Disconnect battery and connect cable to the phone Device found Setting up configuration Looking for GPT Connected Receiving phone info IMEI: 352154-03-114680-5-00 SIM lock: Unlocked Bluetooth Address: 00:22:A9:CD:38:CE Reading version information Firmware Version: KM900AT-00-V10h-CIS-XXX-MAR-19-2009+0 Info received Flashing firmware from C:/Documents and Settings/THIEN_KHANG/Desktop/KM900AT-00-V10h-ESA-XXX-OCT-21-2009+0.sbf Creating backup in: Backups\KM900_35215403114680500_3.sbf Dumping block 1/2 Dumping block 2/2 Flashing PSI Flashing SLB Erasing DYN SDS Flashing partition 1/8 Region 1/2 Region 2/2 Flashing partition 2/8 Flashing partition 3/8 Flashing partition 4/8 Flashing partition 5/8 Flashing partition 6/8 Flashing partition 7/8 Flashing partition 8/8 Flashing firmware success (20:01) Disconnected
hoangdaika (05-12-2012), minhchienmobi (02-01-2012), Tempb (02-01-2012), van.iphone (17-09-2012)
Lưu ý:LG P525 FLASH VỚI BOX octopus+FG+Z3LG +Tool LG 3.0 đều bị treo logo đem qua Tool LGE múc cái oki 100%, AE ai bị thỏa mái múc nghe.
Flashing firmware from C:/Documents and Settings/Windows XP/Desktop/LGP525AT-00-V10c-SEA-XXX-FEB-24-2011+0_MAIN.sbf
Preparing loaders
Disconnect battery and connect cable to the phone
CPU: PMB8810 rev. 3
Software Platform: X-Gold 213 (A-Gold Radio)
Device found
Sending preloader
Sending loader
Setting up configuration
Flash ID: Samsung KA8520N00M 128MB
Dumping security area
IMEI: 353264-04-232250-8-00
Creating backup in: Backups\P525_35326404232250800.sbf
Switching platform
CPU: PMB8805 rev. 3
Software Platform: X-Gold 116
Device found
Sending preloader
Sending loader
Setting up configuration
Flash ID: Spansion S71VS128 104Mhz 128MB
Sending data
Switching platform
CPU: PMB8810 rev. 2
Software Platform: X-Gold 213 (A-Gold Radio)
Device found
Sending preloader
Sending loader
Setting up configuration
Flash ID: Samsung KA8520N00M 128MB
Sending data
Flashing firmware success (33:38)
minhchienmobi (02-01-2012), Tempb (02-01-2012), van.iphone (17-09-2012)
Unlock CT810 OKI
Receiving phone info
Getting phone info
Model: CT810
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Software Platform: Win CE
SDRAM Size: 128 MB
NAND Flash Size: 256 MB
Connect mode: Emergency
Info received
Unlocking phone
Unlock: Start
Getting phone info...
Getting phone info: OK
Switching to internal loader...
Switching to internal loader: OK
Sending external loader...
Sending external loader: OK
Switching to external loader...
Switching to external loader: OK
Dumping Security...
Dumping Security: OK
Backuping Security to file: Backups\CT810_security__2007-1-1_11-47-38.sbf
Unlocking Security: OK
Flashing Security...
Flashing Security: OK
Switching to normal mode...
Switching to normal mode: OK
Unlock: Finish
Phone successfully unlocked
hoangdaika (05-12-2012), minhchienmobi (02-01-2012), Tempb (02-01-2012), VanTuan-ST (18-01-2012)
minhchienmobi (02-01-2012), Tempb (02-01-2012), VanTuan-ST (18-01-2012), van.iphone (17-09-2012)
minhchienmobi (02-01-2012), Tempb (02-01-2012), VanTuan-ST (18-01-2012)
minhchienmobi (02-01-2012), Tempb (02-01-2012), VanTuan-ST (18-01-2012)
Mở hàng năm 2012
LG Android P999 Unlock OK .
Chuyên: Sửa chữa ĐTDĐ. Unlock_Nạp tiếng việt _Sửa lổi phần mềm.
HoangThong_hotrokythuat4 (02-01-2012), minhchienmobi (02-01-2012), Tempb (02-01-2012), VanTuan-ST (18-01-2012)
Code:LGE Tool version: 1.45 OS Version: Windows XP [NT 5.1] Service Pack 2 Administrative privileges: yes Locale: UnitedStates / English CPU frequency: 2793 MHz Total memory: 1021 MB Free memory: 151 MB Free space on system disk C:\: 2.00 GB Free space on disk D:\: 2.00 GB Free space on disk E:\: 445 MB You have small amount of free memory. Please close all another applications. This application require about 512 MB of memory. You have small amount of free space on system disk C:\. Recommended free space is 5 GB or more. Receiving phone info Disconnect battery and connect cable to the phone Device found Setting up configuration Looking for GPT Dumping security area IMEI: 350305-26-000000-1-65 SIM lock: Unlocked Bluetooth Address: 96:2F:F4:19:04:8A Reading version information Firmware Version: GC900AT-00-V10d-IND-XXX-SEP-01-2009+0 Info received Flashing firmware from C:/Documents and Settings/THIEN_KHANG/Desktop/Download/LGtool/GC/GC900/BIN_GC900AT-00-V10e-ARB-YYY-NOV-20-2009+0.sbf Disconnect battery and connect cable to the phone Device found Setting up configuration Looking for GPT Creating backup in: Backups\GC900_35030526000000165.sbf Dumping block 1/2 Dumping block 2/2 Flashing PSI Flashing SLB Erasing DYN SDS Flashing partition 1/8 Region 1/2 Region 2/2 Flashing partition 2/8 Flashing partition 3/8 Flashing partition 4/8 Flashing partition 5/8 Flashing partition 6/8 Flashing partition 7/8 Flashing partition 8/8 Flashing firmware success (19:47)
VanTuan-ST (18-01-2012)
VanTuan-ST (18-01-2012)
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