Code:Connecting with SH-09DIn order to connect with phone you should: 1. Install Sharp ADB drivers 2. Turn on the phone 3. Enable Debug mode in phone (Settings->Applications->USB Debug) 4. Check your Internet connection 5. Plug USB Cable WARNING: Don*t forget to click "Disconnect" at the end. Probing ADB Interface... Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.29 Starting ADB server... Waiting for device... Device Found: 358663048169620 Connected Receiving phone info Getting phone info Waiting for data... Waiting for boot completion... Getting data... Android Version: 4.0.4 IMEI: 358663-04-816962-0 Linux Kernel Version: 3.0.8 Unlock Codes: NCK=92BQOIkRT5NOJWFTLAz31FLX Info received