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    Super Moderator TuongBinhThuan™'s Avatar
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    Jul 2007
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    Thumbs down FREE Motorola UNLOCK by IMEI >> Step by Step here


    a) How does this service work and to whom is it addressed?
    In order to use this service there has been a new GROUP JOB added, called "Motorola Free". In this group are available all the Motorola phones which can be unlocked by IMEI. Each phone requires 100 credits so the job can be added to server, but these credits will be returned to you once the codes have arrived! So basically any MOTOROLA CAN BE UNLOCKED FOR FREE by IMEI with this SERVICE!

    b) Is there a per day limit for this service?
    Yes, the limit is 10 phones per day for each user! You can unlock 10 phones for free daily! The only condition is that the customer has at least 100 credits in their account in order to use this service!

    c) Can I buy for example 150 credits of which 50 credits to use for other services and keep 100 credits in my account for the Motorola Special services?
    Of course you can, you can buy any amount of credits, and these credits can be used for any of the services present in the allGSMUnlock server the only condition to be able to use this Motorola Special service is to have a minimum of 100 credits in your account.

    Some special information regarding this service, read carefully:

    [font=Century Gothic][size=3][color=Red] 1. DO NOT EXCEED the limit mentioned above, meaning the 10 phones per day limit! If you have calculated 10 codes for free offered by the allGSMUnlock server, stop, do not continue, once you attempt to continue, the 11th IMEI sent to be calculated will be charged with 3 credits!
    2. DO NOT give your username and password to someone else, we remind you that there are logs, this server is strictly monitored by IP, and in case there are different IPs for one account the account will be blocked and the owner will lose the money they have spent on the logs and hey will not be returned to them under any circumstance!
    3. The RESELLERS who create MOTOROLA accounts, respectively of 100 credits are obligated to not delete these accounts in case this service is suspended! If the reseller will use this service and then delete the account or sells it to another user with a different IP, the reseller will have his account blocked and lose all of the available credits and under no circumstance will these credits be returned.

    chưa test . AE nào có máy thì test thử nha !
    Download allgsmunlock
    MinhTuong Mobile Service Center.

  2. ( TuongBinhThuan™ ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    suwaree (28-12-2007)

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