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  1. #1
    Product Manager Hoang Thong Mobile's Avatar
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    Mặc định ARGON: K3, V6, V3xx, V1100 unlocking & repair manual her

    Here is a complete manual on how to unlock argon phones with MSS 1.16 or higher.

    First, make sure that you have original MSSBox adapter. You can order it from your local dealer or make yourself!

    ARGON ADAPTER Schematic for MSSBox II is available here:

    WARNING: If you don't have adapter or it's faulty, you will not be able to finish the unlocking process. In such case, to bring your phone to life, you will need to make this:

    1) Flash in repair file according to your firmware. Repair files are located here: http://www.mssbox.com/v2/cc/download...//Argon_repair
    2) Flash in regular reflash file (no need to flash monster file!!!)

    We assume that you have MSS Box II, installed MSS software, MSSBox adapter connnected to RJ45 (Service/JTAG) port on your box, and your phone (K3, V6 or V3xx) that must be unlocked.

    Please disassemble the phone and remove the protection shield accroding the manual corresponding to your model. Testpoints can be downloaded from here:
    TestPoints pictures

    Please note! We highly recomment to work with PCB only and use cable with power. Argon phone will NOT work correctly with powered cable if display&other parts are connected to PCB. It will only work with powered cable only if nothing is connected to PCB

    Step by step instruction (based on sample V6 phone):

    1) Connect phone in normal mode (powered on, with or without sim-card) to the "USB Service" port of your MSS Box II

    2) Go to Service \ Unlock page and press "Start" button.

    3) MSS will perform special prepare procedures. Please follow the on-screen instructions carefully

    4) Once done, you will see "Please connect special testpoint" message. It means that you must connect adapter (needle from adapter) to the point marked as number 7 on the testpoint picture. Please try to make it very carefully.

    5) If you will connect testpoint correctly you will see message "Please hold testpoint connected" - it means that you must KEEP HOLDING the testpoint! In case of incorrect testpoint connection you will get an error message - "Error occured. Please reconnect THIS phone to retry". In this case reconnect same phone, wait for "Phone found, continue" message and repeat from step 4.

    6) After you will see "Please disconnect special testpoint" carefully disconnect testpoint and let the software finish the process.

    Welcome to : www.saigonmobile.vn

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  2. ( Hoang Thong Mobile ) đã được 2 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    QUANGSANG (06-10-2007), suwaree (22-10-2007)

  3. #2
    Moderator nguyen's Avatar
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    Cái nút thanks đâu rồi nhỉ!
    Zalo : 0909900717. Zalo : 0969900717

  4. #3
    Thành viên chính thức ukyo's Avatar
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    híc như vậy là ko có TP ADAPTER là pó tay sao các bác? mà cái TP ADAPTER đó ai bán zậy?nhiêu K/cái?

  5. #4
    V.I.P xiayu's Avatar
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    Trích Được post bởi ukyo Xem bài viết
    híc như vậy là ko có TP ADAPTER là pó tay sao các bác? mà cái TP ADAPTER đó ai bán zậy?nhiêu K/cái?
    không có TP ADAPTER là pó 2 tay luôn bác ạ, còn adapter ai bán bác hỏi người viết bài hướng dẫn sẽ rõ.
    ...::: Lúc vui, được mấy phần. Lúc buồn, thì buồn gấp 2 lần vui :::...

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