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  1. #1
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định MSS Box II News and Update

    11 May 2007 - MSS Service Software 1.03 has been released

    - World first! Exclusive Diagnostic function (Barkers check, PDS check, Panic view)
    - Reset Lifetime counter
    - Repair IMEI on phones with empty OTP
    - Ability to make Backup "Full Image" from dead phone
    - Ability to retry flash operations failed during "Switch to blank mode" process
    - PDS templates for R365, R375, R47, R472
    - New models support for dump feature
    - Fixed: USB Out timeout error during Dump operation on R365,R368
    - Fixed: Problem with detection phones on Juix platform (A1200,E2,E6,etc)
    - Added Polish language
    - Added German language

    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  2. ( taihv™ ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    pal2009 (03-07-2009)

  3. #2
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    19 May 2007 - MSS Service Software 1.05 has been released.

    What's new:

    - Added PDS templates for R366 and R3443H1
    - Fixed V3 (R374), V3x and some other PDS templates
    - Improved diagnostic for phones with 64MB flash - K1, Z3, etc, now operation takes only 3 seconds!
    - Reworked USB communication
    - Phone detection is now 90% faster
    - Improved overall connection speed between the box and the phone
    - GUI version is added to every log operation
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  4. #3
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    MSS Service Software 1.06 has been released.

    What's new:

    - Fixed boot corrupted problem with LTE phones
    - Improved detection for V6 and some other phones in normal mode
    - Added automatic check for new version
    - Added link to support area and to online documentation
    - All settings are now saved to one version independent file
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  5. #4
    Thành viên mới vodafone's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Trích Được post bởi taihv Xem bài viết
    MSS Service Software 1.06 has been released.

    What's new:

    - Fixed boot corrupted problem with LTE phones
    - Improved detection for V6 and some other phones in normal mode
    - Added automatic check for new version
    - Added link to support area and to online documentation
    - All settings are now saved to one version independent file
    đã có 1.08 nhanh quá
    chữ ký chuẩn

  6. #5
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    08 June 2007 - MSS Service Software 1.08 has been released.

    What's new:

    - FIRST IN THE WORLD: IMEI change for K1, Z3, L7e, W510 (LTE2 phones)
    - IMEI change for V3x, E770, V975 (WORLD FIRST!) (POG)
    - PDS repair for R465
    - Boot only read / write
    - Additional expert option for LTE phones with 16mb flash (V22x,C38x,C65x)
    - Fixed dump problem on V22x,C38x,C65x (dump failed on 99%)
    - Fixed dump problem with Asian (*AS) firmwares
    - Software version is now displayed in each log
    - Boot version is now read in normal mode
    - Special check for flex files: example if flex file contains media and "Flex media" option not selected user will get a warning
    - Language selection is now stored in one settings file (no more need to reselect language after new version)
    - Phone's current band is automatically selected on the Band page
    - Phone mode (normal, flash, blank) is now displayed in software log
    - Please note: MSS is the only in the world software which support 3G boot and boot for testpoint-less operation (NO NEED TO OPEN PHONE!)
    - With our software you do NOT need to flash phone after unlock, PDS repair, etc.
    - Software is fully automatic! No prepare, no reflash required for service operations! Simple one-button operation - very easy
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  7. #6
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    19 June 2007 - MSS Service Software 1.09 has been released.

    What's new:

    - Fixed problem with V3x with AMD flash on all operations
    - Added IMEI change/repair for V3x with AMD flash
    - Added support for testpoint-less operations for L7i with boot 0A.52
    - V3 08.29 is confirmed to be supported for all operations- Fixed incompatible boot installation on V3x during IMEI change (no display problem)
    - Selected flash file is now displayed in memo
    - Other improvements
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  8. #7
    Thành viên mới congsanh's Avatar
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    Vẫn chưa Support Windows Vista

  9. #8
    V.I.P lyhai's Avatar
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    Mặc định MSS Service Software 1.10

    26 June 2007 - MSS Service Software 1.10

    What's new:

    - Added sound playback after each operation
    - Added dump support for R44419
    - R3443U1 PDS repair added
    - R25221LD & R252211LD PDS repair improved
    - R25221 & R252211 PDS repair improved
    - Greek language added
    - Spanish language added
    - German language improved
    - Fixed "0681 loader not found" problem

  10. #9
    Thành viên chính thức truongtho's Avatar
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    Các anh chỉ giúp dùm chổ download file mssbox ( mss4 nâng cấp ) sao em vào trong support không thấy chỗ nào để load file về hết .cám ơn các anh nhiều

  11. ( truongtho ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    tuanvietmobile (27-12-2007)

  12. #10
    Thành viên chính thức Monday's Avatar
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    Trích Được post bởi truongtho Xem bài viết
    Các anh chỉ giúp dùm chổ download file mssbox ( mss4 nâng cấp ) sao em vào trong support không thấy chỗ nào để load file về hết .cám ơn các anh nhiều
    mở ct service tool lên rồi bấm vào support là tự động vào load file

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